Next Game

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Your POV

You saw the rest of the first years enter the arena from the tunnel. Most of your class you saw manage to make it in before anyone else. "Hey Akio." You heard Momo call you and you turned around to see her bending down painting. "What's the matter with you?" You asked with arms crossed. "I was running for two." She said pointing to her back. You looked to see Mineta latched on to his purple balls which was on Momo's back. "I see." You said. "Can you help me?" She asked and you sighed.

"Hey Kirishima! Get over here!" You called. The red head ran over to you. "Hey man. What's up?" He asked. "We need to remove a leech off of Momo here. Grab the leech and pull." You said.

Kirishima grabbed Mineta from behind while you firmly grabbed Momo by her arms. "Wait! Can't we come to a compromise with this whole thing! Just let me have this moment!" Mineta shouted. "Kirishima. Pull on three. 1... 2.... 3." You said and you both started to pull. You pulled Momo forward while Kirishima pulled Mineta back. "Man! For a shrimp you're pretty strong." Kirishima said.

Soon Mineta was ripped off of Momo and Kirishima fell back while Momo was pulled into your chest. You saw Momo's face get red and pulled away. "T-Thanks for that. By the way. I saw how you did in the obstacle course. You should be proud." Momo said with a smile. "Hmph. Lets not get carried away. That was only a warm up. The real stuff hasn't even started yet." You said.

"The first game for the first years is finally over, and what a game it was! Now lets take a quick look at the standings shall we." Midnight said as a holo board appeared behind her showing the names from the race. You saw your name next to Deku's in first place. "Only the top 42 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real fun begins. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best! The next round of the festival is a Cavalry Battle! Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two to four people as they see fit. In theory its basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course. The point assignments go up by increments of five starting from the bottom. For example 42nd place is worth five points and 41st is worth ten. The points given in first place is 10 million!" Midnight explained and you was surprised.

'ten million? But me and Deku got first at the same time.' You thought. "But since we have two people who came in first this is gonna be a little different. To the two people who entered first place both get half of the ten million. Five million points. And there will be one Rogue chosen from both of you. The Rogue will be a one man team. He will be by himself throughout the entire Cavalry Battle. No team just him fighting alone. That's right. Survival of the fittest." Midnight explained. You next to you to see Deku shaken and having a grim look on his face. You looked around and saw everyone staring at you both with hungry eyes as you glared at them.

"First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by: the game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your teams score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing even if your headbands gets stolen or your team falls down you can keep playing until times up. This is gonna be rough. You may use your Quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified. Now before we start chosen teams, Izuku Midoriya and (Y/n) (L/n), Which one of you will like to be the Rogue?" Midnight asked.

"Tch. I'll be the Rogue." You said. "What? Akio? Are you sure?" Deku asked you. "Kid let's be honest. You wouldn't survive long without anyone with you. I got the better experience at this type of stuff so I'll be the Rogue. I'm doing you a favor and this is the only favor I'm doing for you. Be glad." You said and Deku made a small smile. "Thanks Akio!" He said. "Yeah yeah whatever. Just make sure you don't choke up and fail or what I do to you will be far worst than what these idiots have planned for you." You said. "Now that we have a Rogue, the rest of you have 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started." Midnight said and everyone started to pick teams.

You stood at the sidelines with arms crossed and eyes closed meditating for the time being. While you did that, you thought about weather you should have a plan on avoiding people or just do whatever. You weren't worried about anything. You knew that they wouldn't be much trouble. You were strong so there wasn't much to be worried about. Then your thoughts were broken by footsteps. You looked to your right to see Hino and two other people behind him.

"Well Akio thinks he can win this whole thing on his own. Stop thinking you're better than us. These two are my friends from class 1-C. We'll make sure we take your headband and win this thing." He said. You looked at him for a second and just looked forward closing your eyes ignoring him. "Hey! You think you can ignore me?! You better watch yourself punk or else you won't be able to survive this!" Hino said as you continued to ignore him. You heard Hino growl as he start shouting.

"Hey! Back off!" You heard someone shout. You opened your eyes to see Jiro standing in front of you. "Save your shouting for the Cavalry Battle. Can't you see he doesn't want anything to do with you! You have your team just back off!" She said. "Tsk. You're lucky your little friend stepped in. We'll see you in the battle." Hino said and walked away with his friends.

"You didn't have to do that. I didn't need your help to handle 'em." You said. "*chuckle* I know. Just didn't want you to put them in their place before the fighting starts." Jiro said. "Whatever. By the way, You joining a team?" You asked. "Yeah. I didn't expect you to be tied with Midoriya or get five million points. I was gonna team up with you but you decided to go Rogue for Midoriya's sake." Jiro explained. "I only did that so he'd had a fighting chance. He can't survive without some help based on the power of his Quirk." You explained. "You sure are confident." Jiro said. "Hm?" "I mean you always want to fight alone. No matter what you always like to fight alone. At first I thought it was kinda foolish and you can get hurt that way. But now I think it's because you don't want to have to worry about other people getting hurt." Jiro explained and you narrowed your eyes looking at her. "Tch. Don't get sentimental with me now. We gotta fight each other soon." You said. "*chuckle* well you're right about that. I gotta get back. See you on the field." Jiro said walking away. You huffed and looked the other way but sighed.

Then you saw the timer hit zero and a bell rung. "Alrighty! Time to get this party started!" Midnight said. "After 15 minutes to pick teams and talk strategy 12 cavalry teams are preparing to go head to head! Come on everyone get your hands in the air! It's time for an arena thumping UA battle royale! Let me hear ya scream!" Present Mic spoke in the loud speaker as you heard the crowd erupted into cheers and screams. You looked and saw multiple teams that you weren't expecting but you didn't let that stop you. You were the Rogue so it will be most likely that most of them will come after you because you're alone and they might think you're weak for them to take on. Some people will also go after Deku too but he had a team to back him up. Good thing you don't need one.

"Okay you first years! I hope you're happy with your chosen teams! Lets get this party started! One final countdown before the game starts! Three.....Two......One!" Present Mic said. "BEGIN!" Midnight yelled and everyone started running. As expected most the them went after Deku and you.

"Hey Akio! I'm comin for ya!" You heard Hino shout and you saw him along with others. You popped each of your fingers taking your time as you watched them approach you. As soon as they got closer you used your Quirk to jump high in the air to avoid them. You landed on the ground a few feet away. "I gotta say I'm disappointed. The rest of my class gets to face off against the b-list kids while I'm here fighting off against the c-list weaklings. Why do they get to have all the fun and I don't." You said in a non caring voice. "Why you! I'll show you!" Hino yelled as his team carried him forward at you. You looked behind you and saw other students from class 1-b coming at you as well. "Well if I'm here I may as well have fun with it. Not that I would call this fun. *sighs* Inferno 5%." You said as you got ready for the assault.

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