Moving In

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"7 hours is a long time, do you have something to occupy you?" mum says as we enter Heathrow airport.

"Yes mum I have movies downloaded and my sleeping tablets" I reassure her,

"okay final check passport,credit card, money, phone, charger-"

"mum I have it all just relax" I interrupt her.

"Dad anything you want to add that your wife already hasn't?" I joke but he doesn't look up at me he just stays staring at the ground.

"Dad" I ask again I hear him sniffle,

"dad are you crying?" I ask he doesn't answer he just keeps his focus on the ground kicking a bottle cap he found on the floor.

"Aw dad" I give him and hug and whisper into his ear "How cute Jerry Jones has gone soft."

"shut up" he replies back jokingly.

"Have fun in New York okay and come home anytime you want our door is always open" he adds on once we break from our hug. I nod and turn to mum and give her a hug as well.

"I love you Maddie, if you need us for anything we are just a call away" she says her voice starting to break.

"Don't cry mum I will call you the second I land okay" I assure her.

"Don't forget you have an interview in the morning so make sure you set an alarm"

"I know mum I know. I need to go before I miss my flight I love you guys and I'll see you soon."
I say and start to walk away.

"Oh Maddie wait," I hear mum call I turn around and she runs up and hands me a small black tube, it looked very expensive.

"Incase you want to be powerful" she says and give me a wink.

"Mum seriously, red lipstick?" I groan.

"Wear this and you can get any man you want." she winks again.

"Mum!" I shriek, my face goes red, almost the same shade of the lipstick mum gave me which only makes her and dad laugh.

As I'm walking away I start to tear up, part of me wants to turn around one last time but the other part is telling me it will be even harder to leave if I do, I listen to the other part of me and pull up my hood and walk away. I guess I was wrong, moving out of Jace's wasn't the hardest thing I needed to do, this was.

Sitting in the food court I check my phone to see if I had any new messages which I did. I got a message from mum

"your father hasn't stopped crying"

And one from dad

"don't believe anything your mother says. :)"

I laugh at both of the texts but soon stop once I see Jace's name pop up on my phone,

"Have fun in New York. Once again I am sorry about what happened, hopefully one day you will forgive me. :("

I was just about to send Jace a big paragraph telling him to never message me again, when I am interrupted by a voice on the intercom

"This is the last call for the flight to New York, I repeat this is the last call for the flight to New York, please make your way to the gate if you haven't already."

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