Moving Out

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Any minute now my alarm should go off. I didn't get any sleep last night. I lie in bed for the remaining moments before my alarm goes off thinking about what happened yesterday, it all happened so quick from walking into our room and seeing Jace and the one person I trusted most in the world on top of one another, to spending my last night in London at my parents house. I didn't tell them what happened they just knew, well mum did she said it was "mother's instincts". And dad well he didn't have a clue.

As predicted my alarm goes off moments later pulling me away from my thoughts. It took every ounce of energy I had to get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror I am almost unrecognisable, my eyes are red and puffy from crying all night, my mascara has been smeared from my eye to my ear, my natural straight hair was no longer naturally straight it was more of a bushy knot, and my nose was bright red. If I'm being honest the person I was looking at in the mirror scared me. After staring at my reflection for what felt like a lifetime I finally decided it was time to get dressed and face reality.

"I never liked him anyway Maddie" dad says as
he hands me a cup of tea.

Jace was always afraid of dad, I mean how could you not be nearly every part of his body was covered in tattoos, he had this stare that felt like he was staring into your soul, he had caramel brown hair and he always wore denim blue jeans and a polo shirt (mainly red or black). If dad doesn't like someone he is not afraid to tell them. And although he didn't like Jace he always kept it to himself because as long as I was happy dad would be happy. That didn't mean he wouldn't give him a little death stare every now and then just to show Jace that he didn't like him.

"And I always knew something was up with that Emily one, that cold hearted-"

"That's enough Jerry" Mum interrupts him and gives me a warning glare.

Mum is the only person dad is afraid of other than that he is fearless. She drops her glare and pushes her thick blonde hair behind her ears and presses her lips into her mug which leaves a red lipstick mark on it, you will never catch mum not wearing red lipstick it's her signature look.

"Red makes you powerful." Is what she always says.

I will never know if that theory is correct since I wear only little bits of makeup, I'm not all glam like mum, she will not leave the house unless her nails are painted, and she has her makeup on even if it's to take out the bins. Now that I think of it I don't think I've ever seen mum without makeup, even in my baby photos she has her eyelashes done.

"Bitch" dad continues finishing his sentence that mum interrupted on, she just rolls hers eyes and let's out a small chuckle.

I was always jealous of mum and dads relationship, they were head over heels in love with one another, they barely ever fight and if they do it last about 2 minutes before they are laughing with each other completely forgetting about what is was they were fighting about. Mum had me when she was 17 and my grandparents weren't happy about that, they kicked her out of the house and left her to live on the streets. Although dad's parents weren't happy about the idea either they supported mum and let her live with them until she got back on her feet. I always wondered if Jace and I would end up like my parents, happy and in love, I guess that's already answered for me.

"Maddie?" mum says staring at me confused,

"Sorry what did you say?" I reply back to her not knowing I had engaged in a conversation.

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