A New Encounter

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"I guess I won't be needing this anymore." I say handing back the apron and cap Zach gave me when I first started working here. He leaves it on the hanger with my name tag still on it.

"Just in case." he says walking back over to me.

"What incase I get fired for making godawful food." I joke

"Well... yes." he laughs and I swat his arm.

"I should probably go now anyways Jasmine will be wondering where I am, see you around Zach." We exchange goodbyes and I leave. Walking around the corner I think of what I'm going to wear tonight, definitely not that dress I wore last night and most certainly not any of Jasmines clothes. Not that I don't like what she wears it's just her type of clothes don't suit my body type. I put in my earphones and start my playlist. I shudder as I feel a presence behind me gently grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

"What the fuck Bucky, you cant just run up and grab someone on the streets like that." I push his hand off me.

"Well I called your name but you didn't turn around" he defends.

"That's the whole point." I point to my earphones and he scoffs.

"I'm sorry about  Grace ok, I didn't know she was coming back to town." he says softly and I laugh. Did I hear that correctly? Did Bucky actually apologise for cheating on his girlfriend with me because he didn't know she was coming back?

"You're apologising to the wrong person." I laugh again and begin to put my earphones back in.

"Maddison." He says in a stern voice grabbing my hand making me remove the earphone. I give in a take it out.

"Look Bucky I don't want to ruin you and Grace's relationship she seems like a nice person and I want to be friends with her, so whatever happened between us last night just forget about it okay, let's start on a new page and just be friends." I look up into his blue eyes and he sighs.

"I'll see you at Alex's." I say as I put my earphones back in and begin to walk back to my apartment.
We arrive at the mall at five. Grace and Jasmine run into a clothes shop pulling me in with them.

"What do you think of this?" Jasmines asks picking up a lilac dress.

"Short." Are the only words I can form she held it up against her body and looked at it in the mirror.

"Perfect." She giggles then throws it into the basket and continued shopping. She runs off once again leaving me standing there with Grace, which wouldn't of been awkward if I hadn't of slept with her boyfriend the night before.

"You seriously need to put a leash on her." Grace jokes trying to lighten the mood. I chuckle lightly before agreeing.

"I know she's like a child in a playground." I say. Grace picks up a red dress and holds it against her body checking it out in mirror in front of us.

"What do you think of this?" She asks turning back to me.

"That colour suits you." I say and she smiles. "Bucky will love it." I add she takes the dress away from her and puts it in her basket still roaming the racks for more clothes.

"What about you Maddie, do you have a boyfriend back in London?" she says as she picks up a skirt and puts it back.

"Oh no I don't- well I did but he cheated on me with my best friend the night before I moved here- he was supposed to come with me but erm.. ye." I blurt out. "I'm sorry sometimes when I get nervous I just talk and talk and talk and I just don't know when to stop- is this dress nice?" I finish holding up a black dress and Grace laughs

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