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"What was that all about?" Alex asks as I walk back over to him.

"Grace is back in town." I reply looking back the elevator hoping Maddie will come back out of it.
When I realise she isn't coming back I walk out the door.

"Wait I didn't know you and Grace were back together." Alex says following me out the door.
We stop at the stop lights and wait for it to go green.

"We're not but Maddie thinks we are, that's why we're going there now to tell Grace."

"Bullshit." Alex laughs. I look at him and he stops laughing.

"I just mean that you were never able to break up with Grace, and when you did it lasted like a week before you got back together."

The light goes green and we cross the road. What Alex said was true I never was able to stay away from Grace, no matter how many times we broke up I always found my way going back to her. I don't know what it was about her but i felt as though I couldn't live without her. But then she left for 2 years and changed my whole perspective on things. This time I was going to make it official I am breaking up with Grace for good.
We head into the coffee shop and there she was, talking to Jasmine and fidgeting with her necklace I gave her the first month we got together. Her head turns and a smile grows upon her face.

"Bucky." She jumps up and runs over to the door, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

"Grace... it's been a while." I look over her shoulder and see Jasmine scowling at me I instantly knew she was pissed off at me about the whole Grace and Maddie situation.

"Bucky a word." Jasmine says standing up from her seat, she crosses her arms and walks out the door. I break from Grace's hug and follow her out.

"J before you say anything-" I am interrupted when Jasmine's fist connects with my arm.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Bucky, why didn't you tell us you were back together with Grace, or better why didn't you tell Maddie." she shouts making people entering the coffee shop look at us.

"I didn't get back together with Grace, I don't know why she thinks we are." I reply holding my arm, I forgot how hard Jasmine punches.

"I thought you broke up with her before she moved to Australia?"

"I thought it was clear we broke up when she moved nine thousand miles away." I say and Jasmine balls up her fist again.

"You didn't fucking break up with her, Bucky what the fuck." she leans in to punch me again but I grab her hand.

"Look J I'm going to fix this alright." I assure her moving away slightly so she can't hit me.

"You better because I will not have you hurting my best friend." she scoffs and walks back into the coffee shop. I stand outside for a moment ruffling through my hair. After five minutes I finally go back in to the cafe.

"Where's Grace?" I turn and ask Jasmine. She doesn't even look at me she just continues to drink her drink.

"Bathroom." she finally says still not making eye contact.

"So what are you talking about?" Grace says sitting down next to me. I sit there tapping my foot and fidgeting with my fingers.

"Ye what were we talking about Buck?" Jasmine looks at me and narrows her eyes.

"We were just talking about.....t-the party Alex is having tonight." I blurt out and look at Grace. Jasmine scoffs and sits back into the couch.

"You're having a party tonight Alex?" Grace asks.

"I am?" I kick his foot and glare at him.

"Oh ye I am tonight at 9:00." he quickly answers "Everyone is coming Jamie, Jasmine, Bucky, Sam, Michael, Isabelle, Chloe."

"I'll ask Maddie to come?" Jasmine adds taking another sip of her coffee. I tap my foot even harder and bite the inside of my cheek. It's something I always do when I'm anxious or angry, and right now I was both.

"See if she will wear what she wore last night will you Jazz, cause man that was-"

"Don't be a pig." Grace interrupts him.

"Aw don't be jealous Gracie, you're still in my top ten." he laughs when Grace flips him off. All of our heads turn when we hear the bell of the door ring. Maddie walks in not looking in our direction. Jasmine stands up and walks over to her. I couldn't hear what they were saying but Jasmine kept looking back at me and then back to Maddie. She sits back down still ignoring me.

"Hey I'll be back in a second, I'm just going to order a drink." I say to Grace she nods and I walk over to Maddie.

"Hi." I say awkwardly tapping on the counter with my card, she doesn't answer she just continues to wipe the counter.

"Can we talk?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I'm working so unless you want to get a drink I can't help you."

"Okay then I'll have a-" I begin

"Zach could you take this order for me, I need to use the bathroom" She says and walks away. I step in front of her making her look up at me.

"Maddie, Grace isn't my girlfriend. Not anymore." a small smile appears on her face showing her dimples, but they vanish when Grace shouts over to me.

"Babe could you order me a black coffee please?" I nod and look back at Maddison.

"You should probably go deal with that then, wouldn't want your girlfriend or whatever she is to think you're talking to some girl." She scoffs and walks away.

I curse under my breath and walk back over to Zach.

"Two black coffees." I say to him and hand him the money. I walk back over and sit next to Grace.

"Maddison said she's coming tonight, and no Alex I didn't tell her to wear the dress before you ask." She glares at him while he sits back into his chair huffing

"But she's finished work in two hours and we're going shopping so I'm going to go get ready, see you guys later." Jasmine stands up and Grace stands up behind her.

"Jazz could I go shopping with you and Maddison, I'd really like to get to know her better." She asks fidgeting with her rings. I look back at her hoping she will tell her no but I know Jasmine too well to know she will do anything right now to piss me off.

"Of course you can come, come on we can go back to my apartment and wait for Maddie to finish, I have so much to fill you in on."

Grace turns around to me and pecks me on the lips.

"I'll see you at Alex's." she says and leaves with Jasmine.

Once again I pull my hands through my hair and look at Alex who is focused on something behind me confused I turn around and see Maddie standing there with two coffees in her hand looking at me in disgust.

"Here's your coffee enjoy." She slams the cups down and walks back behind the till.

"Maddison." I jump up but feet something pulls me back.

"Just leave it Buck, you're only digging yourself a bigger hole."

I sit back in the chair and let out a breath.

"See man I told you, you can't break up with Grace, she's like your drug." he snickers I don't say anything I just give him a deadly stare.

"You're a dick you know that right." I scoff.

"Yes Ive been told plenty of times." I roll eyes and groan.

Once again Alex was right I don't know why I couldn't tell Grace that I don't want to be with her, and god knows what Jasmine is going to tell her at this point I didn't care anymore, Maddison won't talk to me and I needed to fix that. Hopefully I can talk to her tonight.

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