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I am woken up by the sound of my phone ringing. I try to sit up and answer it but am pinned down by an arm that is laying across my chest, Bucky's arm. I curse under my breath as I try to escape the bed without waking up Bucky.

"Hello?" I whisper into the receiver.

"Maddie it's Zach, um where are you your shift started 30 minutes ago?"  Zach says at the other end of the line.

"Shit sorry I'll be there in 5." I quickly hang up the phone and sneak out the door still trying not to wake him up. I take a quick look over at the bed before I leave, I feel a smile grow on my face as I look at Bucky sleeping peacefully with his arm still laying where I was. I notice his eyes start to open and leave the apartment as quick as possible.
I didn't have time to shower so I threw on black jeans and a black shirt along with a pair of white flat shoes, my hair was still curled from last night so I just pinned back two strands of hair with a bobby pin. Grabbing my coat I head out the door and let out a shout when I see Jasmine is standing out the door waiting for me.

"Jesus Jasmine, you almost gave me a heart attack." I say clutching my chest.

"Sorry." she laughs "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you never answered my call or texts last night when you went home."

"Oh ye sorry about that I fell asleep the second I got in last night but I'm okay" I lie.

"Alright then I'll walk with you to-" she begins to say but is cut off by a deep voice. We turn around and see Bucky standing outside his apartment door.

"I heard a scream, just wanted to make sure everything was okay." Bucky asks walking up to my door, he had nothing but a pair of tracksuit bottoms on, which made my eyes scan his toned torso. I zone back into the conversation and shake my head no before answering.

"It's fine, Jasmine just scared me that's all." I reassure. He gives me a small smile and nods before heading back into his apartment. Jasmine turns to me with her mouth open.

"What?" I ask paranoid.

"You had sex!" she almost shouts. I cover her mouth with my hand.

"What? No I didn't."

"Oh please, it's written all over your face." Jasmine states taking my hand off her mouth.

"I didn't sleep with Bucky." I roll my eyes and begin to walk away. Jasmine catches up with me and links with my arm.

"What ever you say." she chuckles as we reach the elevator.
We enter the coffee shop and Jasmine still hasn't stopped talking about me and Bucky the whole walk here, and every time she did I would deny it. I hoped that Zach would change the conversation so I walked as quick as I could to work. I take my apron off the hanger and go behind the till to where Zach is.

"Morning Zach." I say making myself a coffee to wake me up.

"So what are you guys talking about?"

"Maddie slept with Bucky." Jasmine says making me choke on my drink.

"I'm sorry I asked." Zach laughs.

"For the last time I didn't have sex." I remark coughing up the coffee I choked on. Zach and Jasmine both give me a look and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you going to order anything or just stand here all day." I say making Jasmine break from her stare.

"I'll have a latte."

"$6.00" I say and give the order to Zach.

"Hey it says on the sign $4.00" Jasmine replies pointing to the blackboard above our heads.

"For what you said it's $6.00." I smirk and hold out my hand. She rolls her eyes and takes the money out of her purse.

"You know you could be fired for this." she says as she hands me her money.

"Well it's a good thing it's my last day today." I laugh and put the money into the register.

"So no more shit coffee then, finally." Jasmine says sarcastically. I flip her off and turn my head to the door when I hear the bell ring. A dark haired girl opens the door and scans the cafe, she was obviously looking for someone, she smiles in our direction and begins to walk closer.

"Jasmine?" she says walking up behind her, confused Jasmine turns around and jumps to her feet instantly hugging the girl in front of me.

"Grace, why didn't you tell me you were back in town?" she squeals still hugging her.

"I wanted to surprise you so, surprise." she laughs breaking from the hug. Jasmine turns back around with the biggest smile on her face.

"Maddie this is my friend Grace, Grace this is my friend Maddie." She sits back on the stool and pats down on the other for Grace to sit on.

"Hi it's nice to meet you Grace." I say not knowing what to do exactly.

"Oh my god, I love your accent where are you from?" she smiles.

"London." I smile back. We stay in silence for a moment before Zach breaks it.

"Can I get you anything Grace?" he says coming up from behind me.

"Oh I'll have a latte please." she smiles once again.

"That'll be $4.00 when you're ready." I say and Jasmine scoffs which makes me laugh as I put the money into the cash register.

"So how did you too meet?" Grace asks while I wait for Zach to make her order.

"Well we met at the coffee shop, it was Maddie's first day here and Bucky was being a dick as he always is. So I helped her and we just clicked." Jasmine answers for me.

"Oh you know Bucky?" Grace asks turning back to me.

"Ye he's my neighbour, how do you know him?"

"He's my boyfriend."

I don't say anything I just stand there in silence.
Jasmine looks at me then back to Grace.

"Ex boyfriend" Jasmine says. Grace looks at her and let's out a small laugh.

"We're on and off all the time but we always get back together in the end."

"Here's your drink enjoy" Zach says handing Grace her drink, he turns to me and gives me a worried look.

"Hey you okay?" he whispers to me. I nod and smile.

"I'm just going on a lunch break." I take off my apron.

"Maddie you just came in like five minutes ago." He laughs

"Well then I'm going on a breakfast break, I'll be back in a hour." I quickly walk out the door before Zach can say anything else. I feel sick I can't believe Bucky cheated on his girlfriend with me, I feel like I have to tell her but then again Bucky deserves to be the one who breaks the news. I walk as quick as I can to get to my apartment. Opening the door into the lobby I run into Bucky and Alex.

"Hey." He says looking down at me smiling. I don't smile back I just walk away. He grabs my arm and gently pulls me back.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks concerned. I break from his grip and look up at him.


"Oh and by the way your girlfriend is in the coffee shop." I say and his face goes white.

"Don't worry I didn't tell her anything I'll leave that to you." I turn back around and walk to the elevator.

"Maddie hang on." Bucky says following me to the elevator. Fortunately the door opens just in time I step in leaving Bucky standing there by himself.

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