Just Friends

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"Ah shit." I hear Bucky curse as he hits his foot of the side of his dresser and I try not to laugh. He turns on the desk lamp and lies on the bed putting his arms behind his head.

"What?" He asks

"You're sleeping in that?" I say and he sits back up leaning on his elbows and smirks,

"God Maddison if you want to see me naked just say it." He laughs and I roll my eyes trying to hide my smile. I liked this side of Bucky, the side where he is laughing and making jokes, the side that doesn't end with us shouting at each other.

"I just mean you're in your boots and jeans, will you not be uncomfortable?"

"Oh ye I guess you're right." He stands up and begins to take off his bottoms and shirt, he then walks over to his drawer and takes out a black T-shirt and grey shorts.

"Here you go." He says handing me the shirt and shorts.

"Bucky I'm already changed." I hand him back his clothes and he hangs them on the end of the bed.

"Just incase you get a bit hot in your jumper, these are here." He smiles and then lies back on the bed turning on the tv. Presuming he was probably going to be right about me getting too hot in my jumper I take the clothes off the bed and look at Bucky.

"Could you turn around?" I ask and he smiles his charming smile once again. "Please" I add, he sighs and puts his hands over his eyes like a little kid, I begin to take off the jumper folding it up and placing it on the dresser. The shirt was big on me too big it went past my kneecaps but I can't complain it was comfy and it was Bucky's. I then took off my bottoms and placed them on top of the jumper, I look back just to make sure Bucky wasn't peaking which to my surprise his hands were still covering his eyes, I turn back around and pull up the shorts tying them so they wouldn't fall down.

"Okay you can look now." I inform Bucky, he takes his hands away from his face, I feel his eyes trail my body as he smirks.


He finally looks back up to me. "Black is definitely your colour." He says and pats the bed for me to sit which I do. We sit in silence for a moment  while Bucky picks something to watch, we end up watching Friends.

After around two episodes I feel myself grow tired I look over to Bucky to see if he was asleep and when I notice he is I gently take the remote out of his hand and turn off the TV. I turn on my side away from Bucky and begin to fall asleep but butterflies fill my stomach when I feel his hand wrap around my waist pulling me in closer to him. I close my eyes and fall asleep in Bucky's bed for the second time.

The next morning I wake up before Bucky and like the last time I stayed over I tried to get out of his bed without waking him up but this time I fail. I feel his hand pull me back not letting go of my waist.

"Why are you always trying to leave?" He mumbles with his eyes still closed.

"I was just going back to mine to have a shower." I say trying to get free from his hold.

"You can shower here."  He says once I break free.

"I need clothes Bucky." I laugh

"I have some." He opens his eyes a small bit then closes them again. I roll my eyes and laugh then leave the apartment.

Walking up to my apartment I notice a man at my door the same man that Bucky had fought last night, he turns around and smiles his busted lip and black eye were very noticeable.

"Michael hi." I smile back as I walk up to my door.

"Sorry I shouldn't of showed up at your apartment but I just wanted to apologise for last night I had too much to drink and I know that's not an excuse but-"

"Michael it's fine honestly you grabbed my hand no biggie." I cut in before he could finish his sentence.

"Really?" he asks and I nod.

"Honestly I don't want to make any enemies here, so what ever happened last night forget it we can start over." I say and Michael smiles again, we stand in silence for a moment before he breaks it.

"So you and Bucky then?" Michael asks.

"Sorry what? Oh no we are just friends."

"Oh sorry I just thought- cause you came out of his apartment and you're wearing his clothes."

"Oh no I just went over to help him yesterday see he cut his hand on a glass bottle, so I came in and helped him clean the mess and-"

"You don't need to explain yourself it's none of my business, I'll see you around Maddison." he says as he begins to walk away letting me open my door.

"Bye Michael." I say softly. As I'm about to close my door he turns around and comes back up to me.

"Look would you like to go out for dinner tomorrow just as friends?" He asks. I felt bad saying no considering the night he had last night so instead I just agree.

"Erm ye okay why not, but I have work tomorrow I get off at eight."

"Ye okay I'll meet you back here." he walks away again. I close the door and let out a breath. Many thoughts ran through my mind but the big one was, How will Bucky react?

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