The Coffee Shop

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By the time I was done unpacking and finished talking to my parents it was around 5pm, I told them all about what happened at the airport from me almost missing my flight to the screaming baby to my strange encounter with Tom and then to meeting Zach. They were shocked yet grateful that someone was there to help me.
I hadn't had that much to unpack since nearly everything was Jace's who had texted 12 times in the matter of 10 minutes, I finally had enough of him and thought if I wanted to start fresh he needed to go. So I blocked his number and also Emily's.

As promised to myself I headed down to the coffee shop I seen as I was coming in "Ralph's" I think the name was.

As I was about to head out the door I noticed the woman was still sitting at her desk on her computer. She looked agitated and stressed, completely different to what she looked like when I first met her. I thought it would probably put her in a better mood if I bought her a coffee since I was going that way anyways. I gave her a smile she greeted me with one back and I headed out the door.
Entering the coffee shop I was shocked. They were completely different to the ones back in London, the ones back home were small and cold and could only for around 5 people in them, but the ones here were big and cozy, there were signs hanging down from the wall with the daily special written on them. The couches were long and fancy, they had relaxing music playing in the back ground and it smelled like fresh coffee.
I stand in the line which only had 3 people in it and waited to be served. When it was my turn to order i was surprised to see a familiar brown eyed blonde haired boy standing behind the till.
"Maddison?" he asked he was as surprised as I was
"Zach hi." I say not knowing what to do.

"You live around here?" he says still surprised

"Yes in the apartment around the corner"

"That's crazy I live there too." he laughs

"Wow small wor-" I begin to say,

"Hey British you buying something or not?" I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and seen a tall boy standing with a group of guys and one girl. He had blue eyes, short messy brown hair and tanned skin, he was wearing black jeans and a white T-shirt along with a leather jacket.
I apologise to them to which all except the girl laugh in return.

"2 iced coffees please." I ask Zach politely

"$9.00 please " he says gives me a friendly smile.

I hand him the money and take a seat while I wait for the coffees to be made.
I look over to the group again and notice the girl looking at me she gives me a small wave to which I return. She looked like a nice person, her hair was tied into a messy bun with pieces of hair falling down on her face. She had a white cashmere sweater on and blue denim jeans which had rips from going from her kneecap to her shin Her group order their drinks and sit down from the table across from me.
I notice one of the boys looking at me and try my hardest not to make eye contact with them.

"2 iced coffees" a barista calls out.

I stand up and take my drinks but when I turn around the short haired blue eyed boy is stands up behind me making me crash into him spilling both coffees all over me.

"What the fuck, are you blind?" I shout at him

"You got a little somethin there " he points at my coffee stained sweater making his friends laugh once again, the girl does not make a face instead she jumps up and helps me.

"You're a dick Bucky," she yells and shoves him out of the way.

"I'm sorry about him, let me buy you another coffee." she insists

"No it's fine thank you though." I politely decline as I shake out the coffee that has now been split all over me.
Zach comes over and hands me some napkins.

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