Chapter 2- Phil's P.O.V

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm making an unbelievable annoying beeping noise. I groaned and turned to see what time it was,


I slung my arm around and pushed the button. I laid there for about five minutes until I forced myself up. I proped myself on my elbows. Suddenly, I felt this stinging pain on my left forearm. I hissed in pain. I sat up properly, grabbed my forearm and turned it around.

I had completely forgot what I did the day before.

I ran my finger across the cuts, it slightly stinging. I took a deep breath. I was used to this, but not the pain you'd receive afterwards. I'd just have to cover them up along with my scars with another sweater. I sighed, dragging myself up and out of bed.

I really didn't want to go to school. That's the one thing I dreaded in life.


The word shoots a shiver up my spine. I hated it. Especially since i had no friends whatsoever. Everyone at school hated me for some reason. I used to be liked, I used to be one of the populars. That is until I told my mates that I was gay in year six. They didn't except that fact that I liked guys. They completely dissed me and told me I was disgusting and that i was messed up. Me being myself completely believed them.

That's when all the pain came.

Eventually, word got out about my sexuality. People started to ignore me, give me disgusted looks. It got to the point where a group of boys started to bully me. By that, i mean beat me senseless until they got bored of me and walked home, leaving me behind. The group consisted of three boys, the leader being named Dean. His little "sidekick's" names being Chris and PJ. Though they don't do much but stand to the side and watch him beat the living hell out of me.

One day, while being dismissed home after school, I was walking minding my own business until I felt a set of hands grab me from behind, forcefully shoving me to the ground. Dean beat me down to the ground, threatening me. Of course, no body saw because this took place several feet away from the school, where no body would have noticed. They made fun of me, day after day.

Because of my parents never being home, they never found out about the beatings and insults and me being a complete loner at school. They never witnessed me limping home or -on the days that I was "lucky"- dragging myself home. They never got to witness all the bruises on my flesh, or all the tears streaming down my face. Once, Dean even managed to break a couple of my ribs from kicking me so hard on the side of my stomach. I limped home, holding desperately onto my side in so much pain. On that very day, my mum had actually just arrived home from a business trip or whatever it is that keeps her away. My mum had rushed me to the hospital. She had asked me what happened, but all i told her was that i fell from some playground equipment. i refused to tell her the truth. i didn't want to risk moving schools, knowing how "protective" my mother is of me. Then again, it could lead to a better life if I did move schools.

I had a few surgeries. The doctors told me to stay home for a couple of weeks, just until i had healed well enough to be able to get back on my feet. But not even breaking my bones stopped Dean from pounding on me everyday after school. He just wouldn't stop. I didn't know what I did wrong, though.

I sighed, I stood from my bed and walked over to my dresser, pulling out some dark jeans, a shirt, and a sweater. I was in the middle of pulling my jeans when I turned to check what time it was.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. The clock showed 8:00am. School normally starts at 8:30, but the walk there takes twenty minutes, and I still have to go to my locker.

I wobble over to my bathroom, jeans still not properly on. I quickly pull them up then wash my face and brush my teeth. As I finished, I ran down stairs, grabbing my book bag on the way. I was soon enough making my way out the door. I started speed walking to school. I'm usually never late to school ever, but I assume my alarm messed up and went off later than usual. I looked up, seeing the school a few feet away from me. Soon enough, I was making my way through the school gates.

Great, I thought, another day in Satan's lair.

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