Chapter 11- Dan's P.O.V

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I watched my breath fog up into the air as we walked from the park to my house. I look over to my right and see Phil staring down at his shoes as we did so. He seemed a little scared- nervous even. But I don't know why, I was pretty sure he knew I wouldn't hurt him.

It wasn't a mistake inviting him over. After last nights events, I wanted to make sure he was okay. Of course, I'm avoiding bringing up what I saw, because I don't want to trigger anything in him. And I'm sure he's noticed that, too. I think he's avoiding that topic as well.

I didn't realize I had still been staring at him until he spoke up.

"A-are you okay..?" He looks up at me and says. My eyes widen and I shake my head a little.

"Yeah, sorry. I had just been thinking about some things." I smiled at him.

"Oh," was all he responeded with before returning his gaze to his feet. We continued walking in silence after that for a few more minutes until we reached my house.

"Well," I said as we stopped in our tacks and stood in front of the house, "here we are!" I beamed at him. I was excited to have him over, but I didnt know why.

"This is your house?" He asks.

"Yup!" I smile. I began walking towards the front door, a confused Phil staying behind. "C'mon!" I motioned for him to follow. He seemed a little hesitant, but he began jog up behind me. As we reached the door, I pulled out my keys from my pocket to unlock it.

"You can take off your shoes and set them right there," I say pointing to a spot next to the door as we walked in.

"Oh, okay." I hear him say. While removing our shoes, Phil asks, "A-are your parents here?" his voice sounding so small and fragile. He's so cute.

Wait, what?

"Uh, my mum might be, actually. My dad might still be at work." I say, but I didn't know that, that would make him start to panic. Instant fear came over Phil. His eyes widened and he started stuttering out words I could barley understand.

"O-oh my god, are they okay with a t-total stranger entering
th-their home? Did you ask them I-if it was okay if I came? Dan, they're not going to like the f-fact that you just invited me o-"

"Hey, it's okay, I promise! My parents are totally cool with anyone I invite over. Don't worry about them not being okay with you being here." I told him. He seemed a little relieved by that, but you could still tell that he was afraid of what my parents would think. I gave him a warm smile and start heading to the kitchen, Phil slowly following behind.

"Mum?" I call. "Mum, you in here?" As I walk in further, I see her sitting at the breakfast bar reading a book.

"Oh, hey, Dan. You're back early from your walk?" She says.

"Oh, yeah I am." I responded. She peeks her head behind me and sees Phil.

"And who's this?" She says smirking at both Phil and I.

"He's a friend, mum." I sigh. "I ran into him at the park. I invited him over to hang out- play video games or something."

"Right," She says holding out the 'I' longer than necessary. I look behind me to see Phil staring at the ground, pulling at his sleeves. It's okay, Phil. I promise.

"Whats your name, sweetie?" My mum asks him. He shoots his head up.

"I, uh, um, m-my name is Ph-Phil," he stutters out. I've noticed he does that when he gets nervous or something, but he doesn't do it when it comes to talking to me. Strange.

"Well, Phil, you seem nice. And since you're my son's friend, you are welcome here any time." She beams at him.

"O-oh, thank you, um-"

"You can call me Rose." She smiles.

"Okay, well, thank you, Rose." Phil returns the smile. My mum hardly knows him and she's already in love with him. You can easily tell.

"Right," I began. "Phil, if you want, my room is upstairs to the right. You can go in there and turn on my game console and set up any game you'd like to play." Phil nods and awkwardly shuffles his way out of the kitchen. I watch his as he does so and smile. When I see that he is out of sight and hear the sound of a door opening and closing, I turn to my mum.

"Really?" I whisper irritatedly.

"What?" She chuckles.

"We're just friends!" I say throwing my arms into the air.

"I thought Matt was your only friend!" Mum laughs.

"I can have more than one friend, y'know!"

"Right, then how come I've never seen him before? Hmm?" She crosses her arms and leans in. I groan and start heading to my room.

"We'll be in my room playing video games if you need us." I say as I walk up the stairs.

As I open the door to my room, my mum shouts, "Keep it PG in there, you hear!" I groan and shut the door, making sure to lock it. I hear her laughter from the other side and I slam my head against the door.

"Your mums funny." I hear Phil chuckle behind me.

"Hilarious." I respond. I turn to see him sitting on the floor with Sonic on the TV and two remotes in his hand.

"Sonic?" I ask.

"Oh, I can, uh change it I-if you want," he says starting to get up.

"No, it's cool. I love sonic! Just get ready to get your ass whooped at it!" I say plopping myself down next to him on the ground. That seemed to have loosened him up a bit.

"We'll see about that!" He challenges.

Oh, you're on, Lester.


Right so I wanted to make this longer but I want it in Phil's P.O.V on the next part so cx also it's been a while since I've updated so be happy with what you have.

You're welcome.


Why did Adele cross the road?

To say hello from the other side.

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