Chapter 3- Dan's P.O.V

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I woke up to the sound of the my alarm going off on my bedside table. I shuffled over to my side to see what the time was. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to be able to see. It was 8:00am. I reached an arm over and turned it off. I Lay in bed in bed for a while, staring off into space, or, I mean, my ceiling. I huffed and finally got the nerve to get up and out of bed.

I made my way over to my bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. i was pretty confident with my body. But the only thing I absolutely hated about my self, was my natural hair. Or so I liked to call it, my 'Hobbit Hair'. It was all wavy, curly, and just hideous.

I began rummaging through my drawers to find my straightener. Once I found it, I plugged it into the wall. As I waited for it to heat up, I managed to change into my clothes, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Soon enough, my hair was straightened and I was making my way down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Good Morning, sweetie!" My mum said to me as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning, mum." I responded.

"Your father already left for work. Therefore, he couldn't make it to breakfast with us." She said. I nodded in response.

"Oh, I made you pancakes, they're right over there, on the kitchen counter."

"Okay. Thanks, mum." I responded. She smiled to my sweetly as I made my way over to one the pancakes, reaching over them getting into one of the kitchen cabinets, grabbing a plate and a butter knife and fork for my pancakes. I put two down, eating my the first one not even half way because I realized what time it was.


I don't live far from school. It was approximately at five minute walk. But it wasn't particularly a good thing to show up at school late.

With a mouth full of food, I managed to get out, "Mm, I have to go!"

"What? You haven't even eaten any of your pancakes!" Mum protested.

I quickly swallowed my food, "I'll eat at school, mum. Don't worry." I said as I ran over to my book bag, slinging it over my shoulder, heading out the door. "Bye, mum!" The door slammed behind me, I began running to school. I soon stopped in front of the school gates. I managed to get there at 8:25am. Exactly a five minute run. I sighed in relief. I bent over, placing my hands on my knees, panting non-stop.

Jesus, I'm so out of shape! I thought to my self. It was true, though. I can't even walk for ten minutes without having to stop every two minutes, trying to regain my breath.

A call of my name made me escape my thoughts. I looked up to see who it was. I wasn't surprised when i saw it was my best mate Matt. He waved over to me to join him in entering the school. I smiled at him, walking over to him. He smiled at me.

We made our way into the school, walking into the hallway of our year. It was our final year in school. After graduating this year, we were heading into Sixth Form, but I don't plan on going. I want to live my life.

Maybe find someone to share the amazing adventures I want to go on, who knows?

But Matt was truly the only person I claimed as a friend. Sure, people greet me or wave to me in the halls, but Matt is the only person I actually hang out with. The others were just aquaintences to me. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Hey Dan, what are you thinking about?" Matt asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, just about the school year and stuff. Not much." Matt nodded at my response.

"So do you think you'll actually find someone to go out with you this year?" Matt asks smiling, nudging my side a bit with his elbow.

"Psssh, as if! I don't find anyone at this school attractive for that matter. That, and I don't think anyone here likes me like that. They all just say a simple, 'Hello.' to me and that's it. They don't try flirting with me or try to get it on with me. So, no. I don't think I'll find that 'special someone' this year if that answers your question. And that goes for both genders!" I respond to him "blandly".

Matt knows I'm bisexual. In fact, so do my parents. And they both accepted me for who I was, no matter what. My parents said they still love me, and that I will always be their son, no matter what the cause. And Matt was extremely fine with it, just as long as I didn't try to get with him, which he said as a joke.

Matt shakes his head in disappointment, "You never know, Dan. Life has its surprises every now and then. In fact, the person you'll fall for could bump into you at any moment now!" He said.

I laughed harshly at his response, "Yeah, sure. Whatever." We continued to walk down the hall. Suddenly, I was pushed back and felt a pain in my left shoulder.

"Hey, watch where you're going, will ya?" I said harshly to the person that bumped into me. I looked up to see who it was. I had never seen him before. Has he always been in this school? I don't know. But what I do know is that he looked pretty beat up.

He had jet black hair, fringe covering his eyes. He had bruises covering his face. He had these crystal like eyes, consisting of the colours blue, green, and a hint of grey.

He looked up at me, "I-I'm so sorry." He whispered, taking a few steps back. Was he scared?

Soon enough, he made his way around Matt and I, walking fast, head hanging low, heading in the opposite direction as us.

I turned to Matt, "Hey, who was that?" I asked, popping him out of his thoughts as he turned to face me, looking away from Phil walk off.

"Hmm? Oh, that's Lester. Phil Lester. He's the type to not show his face around much, and not talk to anyone. Dean and his little crew have done some damage to him, as you can see."

"Yeah, I can see." I responded hastily, "Has he always been here?"

"Yeah! But like I said, he doesn't show his face around school much. People tend to bother him for no apparent reason. Though, I have nothing against the guy." Matt said.

I turned to see this Phil guy walk off into the distance of the hallway, "Phil Lester, huh?" I began, "Doesn't seem that much of a bad guy." I said, smiling as I did so.

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