Getting to Know me

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As I sit on a couch in a dark muggy hallway at school. With one flickering light hearing screams in a far room. "I know that I am safe" telling myself as I pull my bag closer to me. I am wearing all black so I blend in with my mood. I have my hood pulled up hiding my blonde shoulder-length hair. I am average height when I stand and have blue eyes. The kind of look you would NEVER expect from me since my life is as far from normal as it is.
"Emma" I hear the voices call and I look around seeing nothing. I feel the presence of my brother RJ by me and as I turn my head he's standing right next to me. Scooting over I say "you asshole!" The girl standing at the end of the hall coming closer and closer looking to see if I'm on the phone. She says "hey, are you okay? Is anyone sitting next to you?" I respond "yes I'm uh fine. And no you can sit there" I go to brush off the seat and shoo my brother, but he's already gone.
"So, what's your name? I'm Beth." She says turning slightly toward me. "Oh I'm Emma." I say before curling up in a ball. Beth says "well Emma, I know that you're going through something right now and if you need anyone I'm right here." Handing me a piece of paper with a number on it Beth gets up and walks off. Watching her until she disappears I smile slightly and get up tucking the number in the bottom of my bag.

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