My Photoshoot

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I arrive at my photo shoot that is down and to the left (you take an evader that's in the house to get to it.) I have a pissed off look on my face and go to my small room slamming the door behind me and try to shake it off. I put on a smile and change into the first outfit.
It's my undergarment line. I developed this line so that I could have regular people model; no special diets or cutting back on food. I also made it so people could feel good about themselves and while I am more "model" look since the condition I have I still choose to model it as well.
For those of you that are wondering my condition is one that every female in my family has. By the time we turn 18, our waist size starts shrinking to the size around when we were in 6th grade. It doesn't matter if we eat a bunch of junk food or don't eat at all we lose weight. I take a special pill so that I don't get that small around since I'd be a twig if that were the case. Not to mention that as it is you can see my ribs.
I open the door and walk down the runway showing my newest stuff off. I smile and strike every pose and the males that model for me do the same followed by the females. I walk back to my room and find my brother on the way and begin to run to get away from him so I have time to think. I close the door and lock it knowing full well that he is just going to pick it anyway.
"I'm not in the mood to talk to you" I say to him as the door opens.
"Well I wanted to say sorry"
"Guess you gotta give me my space now then"
"Guess so..." He says as he closes the door and leaves.
I sit down and take a deep breath and get up to change. I go to leave and say thank you to the family photographer. I go back to the main room half hoping to see my brother there. When I don't see him I begin to write him a note.

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