Capture and Save

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I load my utility belt with the Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer, flashlight, and knife. I put my ammo belt over my bulletproof vest. I opened my inner thigh to pull my custom made hand gun and check to see that it's loaded before closing the door. I put in the special contacts that help me see through everything, saying "I'm going; alone. There's nothing you can do about it, and if you think you'll just come and watch I'll know and shoot myself. Now, stop worrying about me. You know full well I'll be fine, always am."
"But this guy is different Em. He's going to hurt you. His record is the longest and he's the most dangerous. Remember the guy who set the explosion off that ruined both of our legs? Or the one who shot and almost killed you?" He says concerned.
"I'll be fine bro. I love you. Now stay" I walk out the door to go after Karl. I hop in the Benz with tinted windows and nice rims. I drive to what we refer as the hood of all hoods, our "home" land taking a ferry to get there. As I arrive I open the file and go through it again. I figure out I need to go to the pizza place that puts "fresh herbs" in aka weed as well as the woods.
I park my car across the street knowing full well no one is gonna think of breaking into it for fear of getting killed by a high roller. I walk into the pizza place and pull my Smith and Wesson showing it to everyone. The place empties out and the owner starts to run I jump and cuff him before he's able to reach the door calling police I leave him. Karl not there so I head to the woods.
I park again getting out and going to the dugout. I use my Smith and Wesson to shoot a couple bullets through the house and wait a few seconds. Moving tarps and leafs that are on the ground. I find blood under a pile of sticks and leafs and get one of my guys to do a DNA on it. I find that it's one of Karl's buddies so I know he must not be far.
A lot of people can't stand Karl. He's a rotten human being who doesn't have any manners. He has killed pretty much everyone he is close to for fear of them telling secrets about him to others. He has rapes hundreds of children and is from the Brothels. He is now homeless with several women he owns as well as can easily connivence them to come to the woods with him. Where he rapes and murders them.
I hear a few leafs move and then the wind blow looking around I quietly check my area. I know he could be anywhere near me watching me before he strikes. It's getting dark out and I see a log up ahead moving closer to the log a hear muffled screams. I get closer and see a light coming from below the surface. I shoot at the ground scaring him a little. Karl comes up and out screaming "there better be a damn good reason for interrupting my kill!" I run behind a rock and wait. Karl looks around throwing things from his path. He moves closer to me and I pull the cuffs and quickly move behind him and cuff him before he knows what's going on I have him in a body bag all tied up. I send a guy down to get the girl and have her come with us asking her
"do you know if he has anyone else anywhere?"
"No. He had me and a few others but I don't know where. If I ask too many questions or don't obey it's off with my head."
"Well you're safe now" I say as I help her in the car. I throw Karl in the back with my guy.
"So what's your name?" I ask
"I uh don't have one."
"Well, what's a name you like?" I ask handing her a book of names.
"This one here looks pretty" she says pointing to the name Hope.
"Then your name is Hope, and I take it you don't know your age? So I would guess you're about 15 years old if anyone asks."
"Alright." She says quietly
"I'll take you home with me and clean you up. You can stay for as long as you want or need." I say to her as we drive back to the main land.

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