Chapter 8

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            I stared down at the little, white stick that would forever change my life.


The words rang through my mind over and over again.

I was going to have a baby… with my mate.

Now that was something that I never thought would happen. I placed my hand on my stomach gently and wonder what it would feel like to be rounded. I wondered if Miguel’s family had twins somewhere in the lineage. I’d like to have twins…

            My head jolted up quickly as I heard the sounds of struggling and grunting. The scent of rouge was beginning to fill my nostrils and burn. I involuntarily growled and wrapped my arms protectively over my stomach. There was no way that thing was getting anywhere near me…

Alarms had been going off all around the perimeter of the territory for days. When ever we pulled the security systems up nothing would be seen. I figured it was just a rouge trying to get our attention. Then, luckily, the rouge was spotted just sitting in front of the sensor. I had sent two of the men who had opted to stay here, to capture the rouge that had been spotted roaming Miguel’s lands freely.

Our lands now, I thought wistfully. I had still not been use to the fact that I was now Alpha Female. It felt weird considering that only months before I was a rouge.

Luna, the rouge that we captured claims to have vital information, but he will only speak to you, one of the fighters sent me.

            Again I growled involuntarily. I didn’t want the rouge anywhere near me, but if he had vital information then I was obligated to listen and hear him out. My wolf and I were torn between duty and instinct. With everything in me I wanted to turn down that offer and make my way to the pack doctor so she could check me out, just to make sure the baby or babies were OK. But then, the other side of me wanted to square my shoulders and stand up straight, facing the rouge head on.

Bring him in, but stand at the ready. I am with child. My thoughts were laced with an Alpha command so that they would have no choice but to bend to my very whim. Not that I thought that they were going to go against them anyway.

Yes Luna and congratulations. Does the Alpha know, he asked. He truly sounded not only excited but also a bit worried. I could feel the worry flood the link I just wasn’t sure who he was worried for…

Not yet and I would like it to stay that way until he comes back. I want for it to be a surprise.

Yes my Luna.

            There was a hard knock on Miguel’s office door where I currently sat. The test was still in my hand, which was still wrapped protectively around my stomach. I stood up and walked in front of the desk, quickly disposing of the test in a drawer that contained a variety of writing utensils. You may come in, I told him.

            As soon as my eyes fell on the face of the rouge I knew who it was. My heart lurched at the sight of the gentle soul being bound and held as if he was some sort of criminal. His face was bruised and blackened from the brutality of a fight. Blood still leaked from the wounds on his face and dried blood still donned his face as if he hadn’t washed in days…

“Christian,” I asked incredulously.

            His head whipped up. He looked as if he had seen a ghost with the way his face paled over. His eyes were both swollen masses of skin and I knew was unable to see me clearly. I watched him squint at what was most likely a blurry spot through his eyes, and then he smiled. “Maiya?”

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