Chapter 7

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            It had been almost two months since the last time I had seen Maiya. Right after we mated Louis had barged in and told me that another pack, one that had been close to Maiya and my pack and who had helped us in a time of need, now needed help. They had been attacked by rouges and had lost a lot of god fighters. While it would’ve been smart for me to bring Maiya, I knew she didn’t want to fight anymore so I respected her wishes and allowed her to stay. A lot of the women in the pack, those who haven’t slept with me, had taken an immediately liking to her. Some even remembered her from when we were children.

            It warmed my heart to see her actually fitting in. I knew she had been a bit nervous about being apart of pack life but she was a natural and had no reason to have been nervous. She was one of the best, if not the best, Alpha Female I have ever seen and I knew that leaving the women and children with her was a good idea. She’d protect them with her life, and not only did that ease the women, it eased the worry in my fighters. They all knew she was the best fighter in the world, hell some of the had worn her numbers. My wolf and I smiled proudly at our mate’s qualities.

“Have you told her we are on our way home yet,” Louis asked. He had taken quite a liking to Maiya and while at first it annoyed me, I could see now that he saw her only as a little sister. Nothing more.

“No. I wanted to surprise her. I know me just being there will make her happy whether or not if I told her,” I said leaning against the passenger side window. Normally we would’ve just ran home in wolf form but we were all tired from all of the training and drills we had to teach that pack. “I am so sore,” I complained.

“Yeah but that’s not going to stop you from ripping Mai a new one,” Louis said laughing.

“No, of course not. She will just have to make it all better.” He snorted.

            All around the same time everyone started growling, except for those who didn’t have mates. The ones who did though were feeling their fear, worry, thanks, appreciativeness or in my case anger. Pure undiluted anger. What the hell was going on at the house, I asked myself.

Mai, what’s going on, I asked her worriedly through our link.

Noir and a bunch of Lycans are attacking the house. I sent everyone down into the basement cellars for safety hours earlier, she said. I could tell she was fighting because even mentally she had to grunt when she through a punch or kick.

“Louis hurry the hell up and get to the pack house,” I growled.

“Why what’s going on,” he asked. Now, I bet, was one of the times he wished he would find his mate already.

“The house is under attack.”

            I could feel everyone begin to panic. The men began shouting for their mates all at once through the link causes me a massive headache. I clutched my hands to the side of my head a let out a whimper of pain, but it wasn’t for me. If I could feel this then Maiya could feel it too and she couldn’t afford a distraction like that while she was fighting. I quickly found the strength and growled loud enough to get everyone’s attention.

“Maiya has safety taken care of your mates and given them protection. So I would like it if you all would use your own private mate links because my mate is still out there trying to protect yours.” As soon as the words left my mouth they left a bitter taste. It wasn’t because of regret or remorse, more like worry and fear. Maiya, my mate, was out there fighting a bunch of rouges alone.

“Don’t worry. She’s a damn good fighter,” Louis said trying to cheer me up. She was a good fighter, but how long could she last?

Babe? I linked her. I needed to constantly hear her voice to make sure she was OK. When I didn’t get anything back for a minute or so I began to panic. Babe answer me! Maiya answer me damnit.

Miguel, mi amor, I am trying to fight. I know you are worried but I can’t talk to you and fight, she said. I let out a sigh of relief.

Too damn bad because you have too. How much longer can you fight alone, I asked her. I knew that if she couldn’t last much longer I’d jump out of this truck and make it there faster than the truck could.

Another thirty minutes. I’m not at all winded… just worried about the pack. Are they safe, she asked. If this wasn’t such a crucial situation I would’ve definitely been proud that the Fates gave me such a mate.

They are fine. Focus on the fight. It secretly angered me that she was more worried about the lives of the others before her own. Did she know what would happen to me if she died? I’d become a Lycan.

            Every Lycan was once a werewolf, but through the lost of their mate they turned from their civilized part. Lycans barely resembled regular werewolves after they changed. Their bodies became more humanoid and they looked like something for a bad werewolf horror film. Their diet was no longer regular food or tiny woodland creatures but humans, human flesh to be exact. They needed to keep their human form intact, if not they’d stay a wolf-human looking creature forever.

Lycans no longer catered to the traditions of werewolves; hunt and kill was all they thought about, so for a little Alpha like Noir to be able to command a horde of Lycan is unbelievable and puzzling at best.

Maiya have you seen Noir, I asked her.

            I could feel every blow both given and taken by my mate, and it seemed like she was taking more she was taking more hits than giving. I shouted out to Maiya through our link but I still got nothing. I was seconds away from shifting and breaking the damn door down so I could see my mate.

            So many possibilities ran through my mind and none of them were good. I tried to stop thinking about it but that wasn’t working and if it weren’t for Louis I wouldn’t have known that my phone was ringing. I checked the screen and saw Maiya was calling. I quickly answered.

“Maiya,” I said sounding as relieved as I felt.

“Miguel,” she cried before being ripped away from the phone. I immediately growled and gripped onto the door for support. This wasn’t a call for her to tell me she was OK.

“Miguel,” the voice said smugly.

Noir, I thought. “What did you to do my mate,” I growled.

“She is not your mate! She is MINE! You don’t deserve her,” he growled back.

“She bears my mark. She is mine.”

“That mark can be removed,” he said. I could hear him walking. I could only imagine what he was about to do to Maiya. As soon as that thought crossed my mind his words clicked in my mind.

“Shit,” I cursed. I could faintly hear Maiya in the background struggling to get free of whatever was binding her. Her whimpers and pleads broke my heart to hear. The door handle was crumbled beneath my hand. Three things happen next that would forever change things since Maiya had come back to me.

First thing was that I felt a searing pain radiating throw my body. The pain was completely unbearable and it was taking all the control I had not to scream out in pain, although that was what I wanted to do more than anything. It felt like someone had reached inside my chest and was repeatedly squeezing my heart, but not before they snapped bones. This was by far the worse pain I had ever felt and that was saying something, especially because of the type of man my father was.

The second thing was the listening to Maiya’s screams and knowing that I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I was wrong about what I said before. This was the worst pain I have ever felt. T felt like my soul was being ripped in half and each of those halves were shredded beyond recognition. I wanted nothing more than to reach through the phone and snap that little bastards’ neck.

I knew I should’ve killed him when I had the chance, I thought angrily to myself.

            The third thing was the nine words he had spoken after Maiya somehow stopped screaming. I was both happy and royally pissed at the same time. I knew that once I found Maiya he was going to die one hundred deaths over and over again. I’d keep him alive but he’d be so close to death that he would beg for it. I’d settle for nothing less…

“And don’t worry, I’ll take care of your pup.”

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