Chapter 5

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Okay heres another upload. This chapter is dedicated to this person because they are fans on just about if not all of my stories. And for that I am greatful. Please dont forget to check out my other story Katerina and my friends' story Bound. It's really good. 


“She's mine,” the intruder growled.

I growled at the declaration. Who the hell was this guy anyway? How dare he come here and claim what's mine? Claim something I had searched for years for. I sniffed the air for his scent. Recognizing the scent I immediately pushed Maiya behind me and growled. The growl the slipped past my lips was fierce and demanding. I wanted him the hell of my land and him to stay the hell away from my mate. He was never again going to touch her. He was never again going to feel that soft flesh that belong to me.

“You need to leave now,” I told him. He was causing Maiya and myself a great deal of stress. Not to mention he just interrupted what could have been one of the best moments of my life.

“Not without Maiya,” he said. He tried looking around my frame at her but failed. I completely blocked the view of her. He didn't need to see her anyway. She was completely indecent and her body was only for my eyes.

Louis. Take Maiya back inside. This time put her in my room. Her things should already be there. Take two other men just to be on the safe side, I said to him through the link. I couldn't take any chances of her running away from them. I turned around and looked at my beautiful mate. Her faces was distorted with so many emotions it was hard to keep track of the ones I was seeing.

“You go back to the room, our room, and wait for me OK,” I said to her in a calm voice. I needed to talk to her lover and I know I wouldn't be able to do it with her hovering around me, scared for his safety. “And please do not fight them on the way there,” I told her with a chuckle. When she smiled all the anger I had melted away, and all of a sudden I wanted to speed up this thing with him and get back to her. She had me wrapped around her finger already. And I think she knew I'd give her whatever she wanted.

She nodded and began to walk away with Louis and two others. She quickly turned around and looked at me and then at him. “Por favor, no hacerle,” she said. {Please, don't hurt him.} I only nodded determined not to make her any promises that I didn't know I could keep. He would probably try something crazy, like attacking, and I'd have no choice but to attack. “Sólo si no tuviera ninguna otra opción, mi amor,” I told her. {Only if I had no other choice, my love.}

Thankfully she agreed with me and walked away. I turned my attention back on the boy. He watched angrily as Maiya walked away with Louis. I watched as his eyes scanned down her body going from angry to lust filled in a matter of seconds. I stepped forward and growled ripping his attention away from her body. He couldn't be seriously trying to check her out while I am right here could he? He wasn't that suicidal. I warned my back back using the link and advanced on him. To me he was nothing short of a child that wanted someone to love him. Sadly for him he had chosen the wrong someone.

“What is it you want boy,” I asked him. Authority dripped throughout the question like a leaky faucet. I wanted him to know who was the man in this equation. I wanted him to know that I was who she wanted and who she was going to be with.

“My name is Noir and I have come for Maiya. You know the girl you had to kidnap to make her be with you,” he countered. He didn't bent to my Alpha will which means that he was from an Alpha bloodline. Great. Out of everyone on the planet she couldn't been with she choose another Alpha. Just my luck, I thought to myself. I always seemed to steps behind with this girl...

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