Chapter 9

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Surprise!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!! CIAO!


            I woke to the sound of chains jingling and a blinding pain on my neck. I moaned in pain and tried to shake the fuzz from my brain. My body was sore and I couldn’t remember what caused the soreness. I shook my head and instantly regretted doing so because a sharp pain radiated through my head. I lifted my hand to bring it to my head and it was stopped a third of the way up.

“What the hell,” I said aloud.

            I jerked my arm again and noticed that it was making the same jingling sound I heard earlier. Daring to look down I found that both of my arms and not to mention legs were chained to a cinderblock wall. I was on my knees and the faint smell of dried blood filled my nostrils.

What the hell happened to me, I thought.

            I looked around the room and the weirdest feeling of déjà vu fell over me. I knew I had been in this room before; maybe not in this position, but the old silver table and chair was a familiar torturing device. There was the one door that could only be opened from the outside and the small showerhead over the silver chair was very familiar.

Why the fuck am I in Noir and Christian’s rouge cellars?!

            As soon as I uttered those names everything came flooding back to me. Miguel leaving to help a pack, the lone rouge in our territory, the rouge being Christian, his warning, Noir and the Lycans showing up… and the positive pregnancy test.

Oh Fates, my baby, I thought worriedly.

            My chained hands quickly flew to my stomach and tried, but failed, to determine if my baby was OK. Everything still felt the same since yesterday, but I wasn’t a doctor so I couldn’t know for sure. I could feel my wolf trying to console me and reassure me that the baby was fine, but panic was setting in. I needed my mate to calm me down.

Miguel, I said through our link.

            If you weren’t a wolf you wouldn’t even be able to begin to understand the panic, fear, worry and heartbreak you feel when you call out to your soul-mate and they not answer back. So many emotions run through you, so many scenarios…


Mi Amor.

Mi Corazón.

            Tears began to fall down my face at a rapid speed, and it didn’t seem like they were going to let up anytime soon. All I could do was hop and pray that Miguel was still alive and looking for me. Well, I knew from experience that he would never stop looking for me for as long as he lived; and Werewolves are able to live a really long time should they choose it. But the question still remained, why wasn’t her answering me?

            I tried pulling at the chains on my arms, testing them for durability. I was getting out of here one way or another. I looked over at the chains and as if it was a sign from the Fates, the blinding pain in my neck came back. I screamed out in pain and tried to touch it, but I couldn’t.

What the hell is wrong with my ma—and then I remembered that Noir had severed the mate bond that Miguel and I shared.

            Fresh tears pored down my face leaving clean streaks on skin. It was filthily down here so I doubt I was clean. I thought about Miguel again making my neck burn. I screamed again, this time not from the pain on my neck, but the pain in my heart. The link I shared with the only man I loved before myself is gone, and the only way of getting it back would be to kill the one who severed it and then re-mark me. But how was Miguel going to find me without the link?

            The door to the cellar was thrown open and in ran Noir and three Lycans. The Lycans faces were neutral neither caring nor not caring if I was in pain or not. They were just there for their job descriptions. Taking in these half man half beast creatures I could see that the lycanthrope process hadn’t really completed itself on these men, but they were close to the edge. They were still trying to hold on to some of that humanity. I could feel the growl rumbling in my throat stopping them from coming any closer. I may have been chained to a wall, but I was still a threat, one that had taken out many Lycans, only the day before.

            The Lycans stopped walking and let Noir advance on his own. I was afraid to even look directly in his eyes, not because I was afraid of him, but because I was afraid of what I might have done to him. He came close and crouched down beside me, his eyes filled with nothing but love. I growled at him.

“Is that anyway to greet your mate,” he asked. Just looking into his eyes I could see his was seriously.

            A low growl rumbled in my throat. “You are not my mate.” I spoke through clenched teeth.

“I will be in a matter of hours my love.” He sounded so sure of himself, so smug and that just made me want to hurt him even more.

“Whatever feelings I had for you are gone! There is no way I am going to mate with you Noir,” I was yelling then and it was the first time that I realized that my throat was dry.

“You will,” was all he said before looking at the three men and nodding. 

            The men nodded back and advanced on me quickly while Noir went and planted himself in the one wooden chair across from the silver chair. I knew what was about to happen to me, Christian and Noir had told me stories about the things their father would make them watch down here in these very cellars. The rouge women they caught and tortured in this very room. I knew now that it was my turn… The moment I heard them unlocking my chains I readied myself to fight and escape, but Noir knew me to well.

“You fight and I will gut that trash out of you like a fucking fish,” he threatened. My wolf and I immediately stilled.

            The Lycans finished unchaining me and walked me over to where Noir was, making me stand in front of him. Noir stood up from the chair and smiled in my face. I knew he was thinking that he had won this, but what he didn’t know I was that I wasn’t going to make this easy for him. He was going to have to work real hard to break me.

“Submit to me and become my Luna,” he said stopping in front of me. His face was now inches from mine and his hand was cupping my cheek ever so gently.

I knew he wanted a kiss, so I leaned in, pretending to ready myself for a kiss, but instead I reared back and head-butted him as hard as I possibly could. The Lycans growled at me as Noir shouted out curses of pain. Before I could even feel smug about what I had done I was being kicked everywhere, but my stomach.

“You bitch.” Noir snarled. “Take her fucking clothes off and bring me that camera.”

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