Chapter 4

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It had been almost a week since Miguel had confronted me at the bakery. It had been that long since I had been able to talk to Noir and Christian. I'd been missing them like crazy, but only able to show it when I was alone, which wasn't often. Miguel hadn't left my side since bringing me back to the pack house. I'd think it was cute if I knew he was doing it because he missed me. The tight grip he had on me was to make sure that I couldn't and didn't run away, but I think we both knew that if I wanted to get away I could, so he took extra precautions. Upon my arrival to the new pack house Miguel had ordered his Beta to install a number of security systems on each floor. There were windows and doors that, if you didn't have the code, would send off an alarm notifying him immediately. I was the only able person in the whole house who didn't have the code...

I was present for every meeting, meal, celebration, etc. The only time I was allowed to myself was when I was in bathroom. I would take hour long showers just to have my allotted alone time. To think, cry, to think of my escape plan. To any unmated wolf it would sound horrible that I was planning on running away from my mate for the second time but I couldn't picture a life of fighting anymore, and besides... packs aren't something I was use to anymore. Miguel had been pulling me everywhere I hadn't had time to adjust and become re-accustom to pack life again. For so long it had only been Christian, Noir and myself but now it was me and at least 200 others. I wasn't use to being called Luna either. I knew that with Miguel being my mate that title would one day be mines but, back then, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be Luna and now I was positive that I wasn't fit for the role. A Luna was suppose to want to be their protector and lead her pack with the Alpha and then lead them alone when he isn't able to. I didn't fit that description.

When I was in the pack, I was nothing but a femme wolf who had no parents and was ranked the lowest member of the pack until I became the pack's lead fighter. I was never the prettiest wolf nor was I the most feminine by any means. I wasn't skinniest, matter of fact I was really thick in some places. My hair was way too curly, and I was never much of a makeup kind of girl. The only thing that I had down to the T was protecting myself and others who couldn't.

“Maiya,” Miguel called through my bedroom door. We weren't quite on the sharing rooms level. I didn't know if we ever would be.


“Can I come in,” he asked.

“No,” I called back from the bed. I pulled the covers over my head when I heard the door opening even though I said no.

“Maiya. Come on look at me.” I stayed how I was. All I could think about was punching him in the face. How dare he come and demand me to do things? I had been locked up in this damn house for days! My wolf and I were going crazy. We had never been locked in a house for days and it was hell... I needed to stretch my legs (all six of them) and run.

“Miguel, deja... por favor,” I asked desperately. {Miguel, leave... Please.} I just needed to be alone. Although my wolf and my heart called out to Miguel, my head was still thinking about Noir. I was wondering what he was doing and if he was still out looking for me. I felt guilty for being with Miguel, my mate, and thinking about another wolf. It felt like I was betraying him.

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