Chapter 3: I don't hate you.

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With love...

Chapter 3: I don't hate you.

Hailey's POV

Alabama high has gorgeous gardens, it's probably my favourite part. There is a towering oak tree in the middle with rose bushes all around it. During lunch I love sitting out there, doodling in my notebook while others are talking and laughing with their friends. 

Luke has been really nice to me, he doesn't make fun of me for my weird fasination with flowers, or my large imagination. Then again, Luke is nice to everyone, that's just who he is.

As I was finishing off my sketch of the oak tree, I could feel a pair of burning eyes staring at me. I glanced up to see none other than Jake Sterling standing above me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 

"You  looked so lonely princess, I thought I could cheer you up." He winked playfully. I rolled my eyes and continued to draw in my notebook. My dad always told me that people just want a reaction, so it's best if you ignore them.

"Oh, so we're not talking now?" He sighed, sitting down on the emerald grass next to me.

"We are, but I assume you would prefer talking to somebody else." I added quietly, picking a coral rose from the bush to admire it closer.

"No, I wanna talk to you princess." He smirked. Why does he have to call me princess? Does he think I'm some sort of damsel in distress in need of her prince charming or something?

"Well, I don't really want to talk to you Sterling." I sighed, beginning to draw the rose I had picked. 

"You're really stubborn, Austin. You know that?" The boy muttered. 

"Believe me, I know." 

Carol always liked to complain about me being too stubborn. She said I won't be able to find a husband if I act 'unlady like'. What does she think this is, the 1800s? Plus, I'm not planning on finding romance anytime soon. I am perfectly fine on my own. 

"Right well, I better get going to my next class." I said, putting my sketchbook in my backpack and getting up from the ground. 

"I'll walk you to your class!" Jake smiled, getting up as well.

"I'm perfectly capable of walking to a History class, Sterling." I snapped, rolling my eyes and walking away. Does this boy ever give up?

<> ~~~ <>

Once the end of the day arrived, I couldn't be happier. School is an absolute nightmare, it always has been. 

"Hailey, you ready to go?" Zander asked me, I could tell he was eager to get home, as Luke was staying over. The two boys are already incredibly close again and I can tell they have strong feelings for one another.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I smiled. We began to walk out of the building, I looked over my shoulder to see Jake and Daisy together, talking happily. I heard from a few of my classmates that Jake and Daisy were known as 'the Troy and Gabriella' of Alabama High. They just seem like the average high school couple to me, Daisy is the populargirl who pretends to act sweet but is some weird devil creature, and Jake, don't even get me started. He is the bane of my existence, and just can't get it in his head that I am capable of everything on my own.

"So, made any friends yet?" Zander questioned awkwardly, I could tell he would rather talk to Luke than me, but wanted to be nice anyway.

"No, and I don't need to. I'm fine by myself." I replied. Alright, I guess that wasn't really true, I do want to make friends, but it's just hard. What if I tell them all my biggest secrets and they spill it to the whole school?

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