Chapter 7: When someone loves you

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Hailey's POV

In today's generation, it's considered 'embarrassing' to have not had your first kiss. Which I think is terribly silly, I mean, wouldn't you much rather have a long awaited kiss with the love of your life in the most romantic setting, instead of being pinned up against a wall by the 'bad boy' of your High School? A kiss is something that should be filled with romance and love, not because you want to be cool. 

I've never kissed anyone myself, which has never bothered me before. But now, after realising everyone's expectations for teenagers, I want to experience that romance for myself. 

So, I decided to ask Zander about his journey with romance, and if he had ever kissed someone before.

"Zander?" I asked, making the boy take one of his earphones out and glance at me, "Have you ever been in love?"

"I...uh...I'm not sure, why do you ask?" He replied, confused. I don't blame him honestly, I would be suprised if someone randomly asked me about my love life.

"It's just, I want to know what it feels like to be in love, and to be kissed." I exclaimed thoughfully, "While I'm on the topic of kisses, why is it such a crime to not have kissed someone before? Is it really that extraordinary that you must normalize damaging peoples self-esteem because they have never done it? And, if a kiss is such a big idea, then why is it such a small word? It should be long and difficult to say. Of course, I don't know if it really is how the books describe it but it seems like such a magical experience. My kiss will be etched upon my lips for all of eternity." I smiled dreamily.

"Look, I think you're being a tad bit dramatic here. This isn't the 1800s, Hailey. I've kissed a few boys before, and it's nothing like your cheesy romance books describe it." He sighed, and after seeing my disappointed face, he continued, "But when someone loves you Hailey, then you'll be kissed." 

"But how do I know if someone loves me?" I questioned him, in the distance I could see Jake joking around with his friends. I'm planning on forgiving the boy as soon as I have the chance, but his rude words still stung me.

"They won't give up on you. You will be the one thing that can hold them back from anything, and they will care about you more than you could even imagine." He smiled, before waving and walking away, leaving me next to the school gates, contemplating what he said.


Walking through the school's hallway's, is like taking a glance at different people's lifestyles. The popular kids all in a huddle, nastily judging people as they stroll past. I've had a handful of comments made about me, mostly relating to my dad and my life in California. I can thank Jake for that, again. As much as it hurt me what he said, I want to find it in my stubborn heart to forgive him. I mean, everyone deserves a second chance, right? I've made hundreds of mistakes, and there has always been one person who stuck by me throughout all of them. So, I'm going to promise myself that by the end of the day I'll have delt with Jake Sterling, and hopefully things will be okay!

"Hey, Austin.." Jake muttered nervously behind me. I closed my locker door and turned around to look at the boy. I guess this was happening now.

"Sterling.." I replied, equally as anxious for how this would turn out.

"I know you probably aren't very glad to see me but-"

"No, that's not true at all! I'm really thankful you came up to me actually." I chuckled nervously.

"What? But I thought you would be mad like all the other times I tried talking to you and-"

"I honestly wasn't that mad, just a little annoyed." I interupted.

"Look, can we please just not argue for once?" He sighed.

"Can you please stop contradicting me?"

"Right sorry, Hailey." He muttered, "I'm really sorry for what I said the other day. It was heedless and disrespectful and I just should've kept my mouth shut. I know this is no excuse, but my friends take pride in pointing out people's troubles, and I don't want to disappoint them, so I join in." 

Something about his apology made me instantly forgive him. I could see it in his eyes that he really felt apologetic for how he acted. 

"I'm sorry too, as rude as you remark was, I shouldn't of hit you with my textbook.." I smiled.

"Oh, believe me, I deserved it. I'm just happy to finally have you back, Austin." He chuckled lightly, and I couldn't help but look into his eyes. Of course, there's nothing romantical about looking into someone's eyes, I do it all the time! But when he looked back in mine, I felt caught in a trance of wonder.


"So then this whole debate erupts about whether I'm gay, or European! Just because of my luscious locks and my immaculate fashion sense. I- Hailey are you even listening to me?" Zander exclaimed, causing Luke to chuckle. I suddenly was snapped out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Sorry, what were you saying exactly?"  I asked. 

"Daydreaming about Jake, are you?" He smirked, I could feel my faces heating up.

"What on earth are talking about?" I exclaimed quickly, if Zander thinks that their is anyhting romantical about the friendship between Jake and I he will have to try again.

"Oh come on, don't act like you two idiots weren't staring into eachothers eyes for a good minute or so." my stepbrother sighed.

"What's wrong with looking at somebody's eyes?" I replied, defensively.

"You really can't see it can you?" He laughed, "God, that boy's eyes were so full of romance, if I were you I would've died happy right there and then." 

"H..His eyes?" I muttered, the two boys just chuckled and carried on with their homework.

Full of romance... what does that even mean?


i literally don't know about this chapter. it's a bit rushed but if anyone gets any anne with an e references, i love you lmao. (and im still pissed netflix cancelled it). anyways, i'm extremely hyped for tmf ep 7 coming out this saturday! i'm hoping for as much jailey as we got in ep 6 lol.

thanks for reading!

- elle

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