Chapter 6: A horrible temper

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With love...

Chapter 6: A horrible temper

Hailey's POV

The early years of my childhood were quite thrilling. Each day I would wake up and play around in our backyard for hours. I loved imagining the yard was a stunning flower field with the most towering tree in the centre. Oh how the brown oak wood complimented the beautiful assortment of colours. My parents practically had to drag me back inside, I just couldn't stand being away from the breathtaking landscapes I created.

Sometimes I wish I could go back to those years of my life, before everything got so complicated. Now, all everyone cares about is how many likes their recent instagram post got or how many followers they have on social media. I want to go back to the days where nobody cared what you looked like, or how popular you were. But, then again my childhood and pre-teen stages were some of the most traumatic years of my existence. Which is why I want to move on from it, forget everything that happened before my dad met Carol. 

The past few days at home have been difficult. I haven't spoken a word to my dad in what seems like forever. I'm ecstatic that he found a new job, but I want him to have time for me. I wish I could walk in from a long tired day at school, and rant to him about everything that happened. Maybe he would listen and actually give me some advice instead of constantly pushing me away. 

Zander, Luke and I were just walking home from school. It had been an unbearable day of torture. During Math class Jake made a nasty comment about my life in California, which resaulted me to hit him in the face with my textbook.


"Hey, Austin." I heard Jake whispering behind me. His friend's were watching the boy attempting to get my attention, which normally I would just turn around and talk to him, but my work was becoming quite difficult and I wanted to finish it before talking amongst my classmates. So, I kept my head down low and carried on with my work, ignoring the boy's whispers.

"Hey, why aren't you speaking to me?" He asked, before turning and looking at his friends. I heard them whispering things to Jake and telling him to do something. 

"Did your alcholic dad get cheated on again or something?" Jake muttered, though I could hear him loud and clear. I could feel my temper rising faster than the speed of light. Suddenly, I was up on my feet with my textbook in hand.

"How dare you?!" I yelled, and out of instinct, the book came in contact with Jake's face. The whole classes' attention was now on us.

"Ms Austin! Is that how you act in my class?" The teacher exclaimed, walking towards my desk.

"I uh-"

"It was my fault sir, I..I teased her." Jake said, standing up out of his seat. Deep in his eyes, I could see guilt. Maybe his friends forced him to ssay that? He did tell me about the amount of pressure his friends put on him. No, Hailey, that boy is rude, hateful and disrespectful and you shall never speak to him again!

(Flashback ended)

Despite the amount of times Jake tried to apologise, I will not give in. I was wrong about him and I have promised myself to never in my life forgive him.


As I walked through the door, I saw Carol starting to make dinner. Along with Betheny who was heling cut the tomatoes for the salad.

"Good afternoon, Hailey!" Carol smiled.

"Yes, I'm aware that it's the afternoon!" I replied, in an annnoyed tone. Betheny turned around from the cutting board and rolled her eyes at me.

"I beg your pardon?" My step-mom asked, her eyes wide.

"Why doesn't anyone ever say what they mean? How about, oh hello are you still having the worlds lousiest day? Why yes thank you I am!" I exclaimed angrily. I didn't mean to get annoyed at Carol, I'm just mad at myself for not hearing Jake's full story.

"I'll thank you, to mind your manners." Carol responded, equally as annoyed.

"What does that even mean?" I yelled, frustrated.

"Just go upstairs, dinners nearly ready." She sighed. I stormed up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door.

Why did I have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't I have just listened to his apologies and everyone could move on. Now people probably hate me more than they already do!

I walked over to my window, where there was the most beautiful cherry tree.

"Oh, dear snow queen," I smiled sadly at the tree, "there has to be a limit to the number of mistakes one person can make, and once I make it to the end of them, I'll be through with them." 


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