Chapter 5: Cordelia

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Hailey's POV

When my mom left my dad years ago, I wished she took me with her. I would lay in my bed for hours after school imagining what my life would've been like if I was born into a different family. I may have been called Cordelia, my family would travel the world and I would have the most fantastic time. Once we stop in France, I would meet a charming young man, we would fall deeply in love and I would live happily ever after. But that didn't happen. I was born into the Austin family. Micheal and Miranda Austin, the dream couple. My earliest memory was going to the beach and my dad carrying me into the ocean. I recall there being the most glowing, and glistening sunshine that would glaze the teal water. It was magical, something out of a novel perhaps. Except, nothing good can last forever. You're life may be all unicorns and rainbows one minute, but it will collapse into a million pieces the next.

The past few days, I've been thinking about Cordelia. There is still a part of her in me, and there always will be. Even if she's just a fictional character in my imagination, she was there when things were tough. I just don't know what happened to our family, my parents are always busy and Zander just won't spend any time with me. I just want things back to how they used to be, when Zander and I would chase eachother around our backyard for hours, giggling in pure delight of how lucky we were, to be best friends and step-siblings.

My parents and Bethany were out and about running errands, which left Zander, Luke and I alone in the house. Zander and Luke were upstairs finishing their homework, and since I completed mine with Jake yesterday, I was able to finally finish the book I was reading. Being curled up on the comfy couch, with a cup of tea and a good novel is one of the best ways you could spend a weekend.

"Hailey, move we need the TV." Zander ordered, walking into the living room. My step-brother always seems so moody and annoyed, I don't know how Luke enjoys his company.

"I was here first!" I yelled, carefully placing my rainbow bookmark in between the pages of my book.

"Zander, why can't Hailey watch with us? She is your sister after all..." Luke muttered. I gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"She's my stepsister, we aren't actually related." Zander replied. If I'm being totally honest, what my stepbrother just said, hurt. I know we aren't really siblings, but family isn't always about blood, it's about people you love and care for.

"You do realise, that family isn't all about blood. Family means someone who you care about and love!" I said, getting up from the couch and staring at the two boys.

"Oh, is that something you read in those stupid romance novels of yours? You need to open your eyes and live in the real world, Hailey. And if you really love romance so much, go find some for yourself instead of boring others with all your crap!" He yelled. The moment those words left his mouth I could see the regret painted all over his face. I could feel my eyes watering as I shoved past my stepbrother. Their yells and voices were drained from my ears as I ran up the stairs. The second I was in the comfort of my bedroom, I let all the tears out. Tears of sadness from my stepbrother shaming me for who I am. Tears of jealousy because I'm not a beautiful and overall perfect girl like Daisy. And worst of all, tears of regret. I regret ever moving to Alabama and destorying every last good thing I had in my life.

As I was beginning to calm down, I looked over to my bed and saw my phone ringing silently. I glanced at the screen that read 'Sterling'. Would he be able to sense the feelings I was having if I picked it up? If he did, what would he think? In the end, I decided to pick it up, I lifted the phone up to my ear with a shaky hand and I heard his bright, cheery voice.

"Hey Austin! How are you?" 

"I...I'm...good...really good." I lied. 

"Are you sure? You don't sound like yourself."

"I'm fine! My day has gone amazing and I'm feeling fantastic! Anyways, enough about me, how are you?"

"Please just be honest with me, are you okay?"

At that moment I didn't know what to tell him. My guess is that he would hang up the phone and never want to speak to me again. I'm just a freak.

"Sorry, Carol is wanting me to come downstairs. I'll talk to you later Sterling, bye." I quickly replied, hanging up the phone and throwing it on the bed. I sat down on my desk chair and closed my eyes. Suddenly I was Cordelia again, lying down in the middle of a beautiful flower field. I wasn't plain old boring Hailey, I was a loved, talented and stunning girl who actually had value and a purpose for the world.

"Hailey, can we talk?" Zander muttered, snapping me out of my daydream.

"I guess so." I sighed, avoiding his eyes.

"I'm sorry I've been so distant from you lately. The truth is, I thought that you were going to replace me for Jake and...I guess I got scared. So scared that I ended up pushing you away from me just so it wouldn't hurt so much. I know I hurt you and I hate myself for it, but I just want you to know I will always be here by your side." He smiled. For once, I was completely speechless. I had no idea he was feeling this way.

"I'm sorry too, I should've just asked how you were feeling instead of just assuming you hated me. You've always just been such an inspiration to me...and I was scared as well that you were leaving me." I chuckled lightly, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

"God, you don't know how happy I am to have said that." Zander laughed. I couldn't help but laugh along with him. I finally have my stepbrother back. 

"Luke and I are going shopping at the mall with some of Luke's friends from the music club. If you're up for would be welcome to."

"Oh, I would be delighted to take part in that!" I smiled cheerfully.

"I'll tell Luke you're up for it, Cordelia." Zander grinned. 

"How do you know about Cordelia?" I asked. I don't recall ever letting on about my royal fantasies I like to imagine myself in.

"I haven't forgotten when we were 12 and you would run around in the flower fields pretending you were Princess Cordelia." He chuckled. 

I smiled to myself once he left the room. Cordelia may have been left to fend for herself for a few years, but now she's back, and better than ever...


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