Chapter 4: Tragical Romances

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Chapter 4: Tragical Romances

Hailey's POV

"Back in the 18/1900s, women were thought of as simply, a wife. It was as if women weren't even classified as human! They were to find themselve's a husband and help around the house. But I've always believed, no known that women were far more than just 'A Lady'. We don't need a man to hold the door open for us, or tell us how we look. Women don't need men to be happy, we can be happy on our own for crying out loud!" I exclaimed. Jake and I had agreed to work on a school project together, and I take things like this very seriously.

"Wait, I thought you said you loved those romantic things where the man saves the women?" Jake asked, confused. 

"I do! But those men are such gentlemen, I could only dream of someday meeting someone that perfect." I sighed dreamily, sitting down on my desk chair.

"Right...someday..." Jake muttered.

"By the way, I met this girl called you happen to know anything about her?" I asked, taking a quick glance at my english notes.

"Not really, my friends would consider her a 'nerd', so I've never spoken to her before." 

"Well, she is the most beautiful girl I have ever met. I promised I would meet her and her boyfriend, Jason at the ice rink later today. I've never been ice skating before, my dad and I would rarely go out anywhere back in California. That was, until he met Carol, she loved the whole family going on road trips and visits to the beach and stuff. But ice skating was never an option, in Winter, we would just sit around the fire drinking the most delicious hot chocolate you would ever taste. Honestly, I'm not really looking forward to being a third-wheel. It does seem kind of pointless me being there, don't you think?" I replied, completely ignoring my english homework and engaging in a full conversation with Jake.

"I could always tag along if you wanted to." He shrugged.

"That would be fantastic! I'm sure dear Astrid wouldn't mind a bit if you came! I'll text her just in case though, I don't want to startle her if she would rather it be a three person outing." I smiled, reaching for my phone. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jake looking at the books piled up on my desk. 

"How many books do you read?" He chuckled. I suppose you could say Jake and I have very different personalities. I adore reading books, and would rather stay at home with my nose in a thrilling romance novel than out frolicking around like dying bees with my friends. 

"At least I know how to read." I responded. My friendship with Jake has really escalated and I'm happy to be friends with someone like him. He might of seemed like an absolute jerk at one point, he's really good at heart.

"I know exactly how to read. You're just jealous that I have a social life."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my English homework. As much as I would like to just sit around and talk to Jake, I had to get this done.

"No but seriously, you need to get out more instead of having your nose in a book." Jake grinned, get up off my bed and putting his jacket on.

"Where are you going?" I sighed, annoyed.

"We are going to have some fun! There's more to life than reading and homework you know." He said, dragging me up off my chair.

"Fine, but we have to be at the ice skating rink by 4." I laughed, putting on some sneakers.

We both quickly ran down the stairs, and into the hallway, where Zander and Luke were putting their coats away.

"Where are you two going?" Zander muttered, annoyed as usual.

"Uh, I don't know." I laughed. Maybe Jake was right, I mean, the characters in my favourite novels find their soulmate by being out in the town, so why can't I?

"Well, good thing I don't care." Zander sighed, shoving past me, with Luke following him.

"Let's go Sterling." I muttered, walking out of the house. My relationship with Zander has drifted apart ever since Luke came into the picture. Don't get me wrong, Luke is a great guy and has been nothing but kind to me, but I just want my step-brother back.

"So, is it just me or was that like the most awkward interaction ever?" Jake said once we reached the end of the driveway.

"My house is just like that, I'm used to it." I shrugged. My life had always been strange, even if my dad is happy with Carol, it still seems like the family is broken and has been the moment my mother walked out of that door years ago.

"Well, I think it's a good idea that we forget about all of that and have the best afternoon ever!"

"Do you and Daisy do stuff like this often?" I asked. Daisy and I still haven't become friends and it's hard for me to talk to Jake while she's clinging onto him like she's about to fall off a cliff and he is the only secure thing to hold onto.

"Not really. She doesn't enjoy doing things like this honestly."

"I thought you were the Troy and Gabriella of the school!" I chuckled.

"In school we are, but outside of school is when things get a little complicated." He muttered. I felt really bad for him, honestly. Relationships that don't work can sometimes be the hardest to let go of because once you form a 'connection' with someone, you want to be with them forever. At least, that's what I've read in my novels.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, fiddling with the hair tie around my wrist.

"Don't be. So, has anyone in our school caught your eye?" Jake smirked.

"No, not really. Plus, if I liked someone I would be far too nervous to speak to them." I sighed. I know I adore anything romance, but when it comes to my romantic life, I suddenly lose all interest because let's be honest, who would fall in love with someone as messed up as me?

"You should find someone you like. Getting in a relationship is one of the best things that's ever happened to me."

"I'm not going to go around searching for a boyfriend like some giggling 12 year old girl! I would rather spend my time studying and building up my education than engage in that frippery!" I exclaimed. I guess you could say I have a rough temper, almost anything can set me off on an angry rant.

"I suppose you're right. My older sister got into a lot of relationships when she was my age, her lucky was pretty horrible. Her first boyfriend, Marcus, cheated on her with this girl called Lucy. My sister was heartbroken for weeks, she wouldn't come out of her bedroom for a whole week! Until she met this guy called Charlie, he seemed sweet and was a really nice guy, honestly. But it turned out he was using her to make his ex-girlfriend jeIalous. A few more came and they ended up leaving her as well. But she's finally found this guy, his name is Peter. I suppose he's alright, but I don't think he's the right fit for my sister." Jake explained. As he talked, I hung onto every word, it seemed so interesting that his older sister has experianced such a tragical romance!

"That's tragical. I never had any siblings until Zander and Bethany. Zander's love life is pretty lame but, I think he's taken a liking in Luke. Although, he hasn't really talked to me ever since they reunited." 

"You really do love your tragical romances, huh Austin?" He grinned.

"Oh I really do! Everything about them is so exciting and different from a normal romance! It just makes the ending a million times more romantic! Sorry, I should stop talking so much, shouldn't I?" 

"No, please, do carry on."

"I have a feeling we are going to make the most immaculate team Sterling!"

"I'm delighted to hear you say that, princess." He winked.


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