Ginny: I Think I Killed Nico Too

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We rushed to the Hecate cabin to grab our wands, in case of emergencies. As we were leaving, Annabeth intercepted us. "You need weapons. If you want to survive, come with me. If not, stay here," she said, then walked off, us in tow. Survive?! This was a LIFE AND DEATH GAME?!?! And I thought I faced enough death in my short life!

She led us to this shack, and inside, there were an assortment of gleaming knives, daggers, swords, and other weapons galore.

"The weapon chooses you. Let's start with Ginny," Annabeth said, handing her a long sword. The weapon chooses you? It's just like how the wand chooses the wizard!

The sword was obviously too heavy. They tried and tried, testing out each and every weapon, until finally, she was given a bow and arrow.

"This one. It suits you," Annabeth concluded. "Now Hermione's turn."

She got the first weapon handed to her. Ironically, it was the same long sword Ginny tried at the beginning.

"This is a Spatha. Romans used it in battle. Look, it can turn into a bracelet," Annabeth said, demonstrating. She touched the hilt of the sword to her wrist, it shrunk into an ancient circlet of bronze encrusted with glittering gemstones.

"Now Ron," she said. He got a spear, a long one with beautiful yet strange designs on it (I was pretty sure there was the decapitation of a man somewhere engraved in the blade).

"This was used by King Agamemnon in the Trojan War. Take care of it"

"Wait, this was from the Trojan War?!" Hermione piped up, mouth agape. Yep, of course she's the only one who knows what this Trojan War thing is.

She ignored her, and turned to me. "Now, you."

We tried fifty times. Nothing worked, until the sight of a dusty hooked weapon hanging on the wall caught my eye. It appeared to be like the scythe the grim reapers would have. I turned, and walked toward it.

"How 'bout this?" I asked.

"Um, you might not want that one," Annabeth said and grimaced.

There was some sort of aura that enticed me to pick it up. The weight was perfect and everything. "Why not?"

"It was blessed by Demeter. It's a long handled sickle. Also, it's a tool for harvest, not a weapon. This is our tool shed, too."

"This one. This is mine," I said stubbornly, wielding the scythe-sickle weapon.

We walked out, our weapons ready. We suited up in armor (it was even worse than the Hogwarts' scratchy uniform), and everyone on our team gathered around in the field, just before the game would begin.

"You two, hide in the trees. Ambush when the opponents come by," Annabeth elucidated, pointing to Jason and Leo. They nodded and headed off to where they were instructed to be.

"You two," She then said, turning to Ginny and Ron, "Can capture the flag. Any of the opponents you see, Ginny, shoot down. Only in the arms, though; we don't need anyone dying. Ron, you too. No killing.

"And you two will stay with me and Percy. We'll keep the fort guarded."

Chiron blew this raucous horn. There was a quick flurry of shouts and clashes in the distance, but Hermione and I followed Annabeth and Percy to this fort of rocks in the forest. So we waited by the flag. And waited. And waited. Oh, and then...we waited some more. Was there usually this much waiting? Finally, one very charred girl came through with a spear. Leo was sprinting after her, flames growing on his skin. However, the girl was much faster than him.

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