He comes over!

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You get ready for leo to come over. You got a bowl of popcorn, some chips, candy, and some soda. Along with the best t.v. show in the world........ Space Heros. You popped in spacw heros and heard a tune like tapping on your window. You walk over to your window, and open it to see that wonderful turtle in a blue mask. You invite leo in and he screams saying" SPACE HEROS!" Yeah i know its a dorky show but....... You were cut off by leo saying that he loves this show. You smile to yourself and go to the little set up you got and patted the spot next to you. He gladely took the spot next to you and you pressed play. Captin Ryan had saved Princess Galaxy, and they were having a romance scene. Leo put his hand on yours and you took it. He blushed a bright pink and he squeezed your hand a little more. You two were holding hands all night that night. Then had a surgur crash at 5:00 a.m. That was the best night of your life!

Well there it is. When he comes over i know im trying my hardest but my fingers are typing to slow so my brain looses the story i had in my head! Sooooo.... Again no hate mail or comments. Please and thank you. Byebye for now shellfellows!

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