You tell him about you

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You were shocked to hear so many of leo's questions! He was throwing question after question, so you decide to start from the beginning." Well, when I was little I went out to the streets and almost got hit by a car it scraped me and left a scare...... see? Anyways i was in my room and my mom came in and said that we were moving to new york city, I was happy but also sad. I had so many friends here and didnt want to leave them but i had to so we moved here and we found an apartment, I tried to make friends but i never could. I just locked myself up in my room all the time. I started jumping the roofs, and then i met you." Leo was shocked, he was speechless, nothing to say! You looked at him with sad and worried eyes but then he said well that was an amaizing story!

(Sorry guys its so shooooooooooooort! I hate them being short, ugh!) Well thats it my buddies. Byebye shelfellows <3

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