You meet his family!

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You were kind of groused out by the sewers but you didnt mind. You were about to meet leos family and you were scared, what if they didnt like you, what if his dad forbid you two to see each other! Then all of a sudden green fingers snapped in front of your face " Earth to (Y/N), hello! " You looked at him then sighed. He knew that you were scared so he put his arm around your shoulder and assurred you the whole way there! You guys come to a stop and you enter a very big, and comfy looking place, you seen a giant turtle playing video games, another reading a comic book, the all of you jump by hearing an explosion from another room. A turtle came out he had on goggles and some black ash coverd his face from the explosion. Leo looked at you giggling and introduced you to his brothers! " Sweetie, this is mickey, and raph, and finally the one and only smart turtle donnie! " You waved and said a shy but friendly hi and every pbody looked at you then leo and did the same thing over and over again, you then whisper to leo saying that you wanted to meet his dad. So, leo takes you into a beautiful dojo with a Japanese Cherry Blossom growing on the farthest wall, then you come up to a giant rat medatating. " Ummmmm............ Sensi, this is the girl i was telling you about....... (Y/N). Yes the girl you blush when thinking about? Ummmmmmmmm......... Yeah thats the one!" You and leo chilled at his place for the rest of the night.

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