How he reacts to a death in a book

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Luke: Mocking jay 

"What? What what what what what what?!" you hear Luke mumbling behind you on the couch. He flips the page roughly, murmuring to himself continuously. 

"What's wrong Luke?" you wonder, sitting next to him. You notice he's reading Mockingjay and he's near the end. Knowing what part he's on, you soothingly rub him back. 

"How could she kill off Prim?! Katniss went through a war and two hunger games to save Prim and she stil dies?! I just don't understand." He lays his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily. 

"Welcome to the tortures of being in a fandom." You greet him jokingly. He looks up at you and smiles weakly. "Now, finish the book. The ending will make you feel a bit better." 

Ashton: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 

After convincing Ashton to read the Harry Potter series, he began suffering like you did. Book after book he cried and told himself that he was going to write to J.K. Rowling and tell her off for killing Cedric and Sirius and Dumbledore. Currently, he was almost done with the last one. He was laying in your bed, reading, as you did your homework. 

"NO!" He exclaims randomly, throwing the book at the wall. You stare at him as he has some sort of spaz attack. "First she kills Dobby, then Snape, then Fred, and then decides that Snape was good all along? She is EVIL!" You walk over to where he threw the book and picked it up, searching for any damage. 

"First, welcome to my feelings and second, never EVER throw my books. It could have gotten damaged." You pass him back the book so he could finish reading. You sit next to him and read along, remembering the first time you read it and how it left you damaged for years. Hell, you're still damaged from that book. 

"I shouldn't feel like this," he murmurs, "It's just a book series." You hit him on the arm. 

"Ash, it's not 'just a book'. It's life. And I'm not saying that to be funny; I'm telling the truth. Harry Potter teaches so many life leasons while being entertaining. Anyone can relate to this book and that's why you feel like this. You've connected with the characters, understood what they were going through. Like it or not, Ash, but a character dying is like losing a close friend. That's why it hurts so much." 

"You're so deep, y/n. Now leave me alone. I want to finish!"

Michael: The Fault in Our Stars

Michael claims that he only read it because he lost a bet and was forced to. But the truth is, he read it because he was bored on the plane and saw it in your bag. He decided that he'd wait for you to fall asleep before he read it, because he didn't want you to know he was reading it. He actually surprised himself when he found that he was enjoying it. But he soon came upon that dreaded chapter: chapter 21. He didn't expect it. Sure, he knew he was sick but how could Augustus die?! 

"Babe?" He shook your arm a little bit. "Y/n?" Your eyes fluttered open.

"What?" you grumbled, rubbing your eyes. "Are we there yet?" 

"No, I just wanted to talk to you."

"About wh-" you were about to say but saw that he was reading the Fault in Our Stars. "Are you okay?"

"Goddamn it, y/n! Please don't say that right now." You rolled your eyes but nodded, understanding what he was feeling. "Why does this hurt so much!!" 

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt." 

Calum: Allegiant 

"WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK?" Calum screamed, chucking the book far from him. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KILL THE MAIN CHARACTER?!" You reach over to him, trying to sooth him but he rejects it. 

"Babe, it's all right."

"No it's not all right! Tris goes through all of this and then she dies? She started a revolution, a war! How can she die? What will Tobias feel? Oh my god, I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Cal, have you actually finished the book?" He shook his head and you sighed. "Then finish it. The last chapters are in his point of view. You'll be able to feel how he feels." Calum got up and grabbed the book, turning to whatever page he was on, and continued reading. Only a few minutes later, he was crying. 

"He went ziplining for her," he sobbed into your shirt. "That was one of his fears and he did it for her. How can this be your favorite book series? It's torture."

"Welcome to the beautiful and tragic fandom that is Divergent."

5sos  imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora