Your parents finally approve (Calum) 1/4

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You're parents never approved of you dating someone in a band. They thought that he wouldn't be able to support you and would, eventually, break your heart. You constantly fought with them, telling them that Calum was a sweet boy and would never intentionally hurt you. Today was another day designed for fighting. 

"You deserve better, y/n," Your mother exclaimed and you sighed, frustrated with them. 

"How can you say that, mom? He's the best person to ever come into my life! I love him!!" Your parents rolled their eyes. 

"Honey," your father said calmly, "You don't know the first thing about love." 

"Yeah, I do. It's when you get happy just at the thought of the other person. You get the exact same butterflies you did as when you first met. Love is when he can always make me happy, even if I'm upset with him because the thought of not being with him would break my heart." 

"You're too young to know what true love is." You groaned in a screaming manner, running your hands through your hair. 

"You don't know that. You don't even know him!" You loved your parents and understood that they only wanted what was best for you but they just could not pull you and Calum apart, even if they tried. You turned on your heal, a few tears falling as you walked out of your house. 

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"I'll be back whenever," was you reply before running to the park. Once you got their, you collapsed onto the bench and cried, before calling Cal. It rung a few times before he picked up. 

"Hey babe! How are you?" Once he heard you sniffling, he got worried. "What's wrong?"

"Can you," you sniffed, "can you pick me up? I'm at the park by my house." He told you he'd be there in ten and hung up. He arrived sooner than he said and you got in the passanger seat. On your way back to his house, you explained everything to him. Though he didn't say, he felt guitly because he was the reason you were fighting with your parents in the first place. 

You plopped onto his bed, feeling a bit better after everything. Calum had that effect on you; he was always able to make you happy. Calum laid next to you and cuddled. You ended up watching movies, telling jokes and stories, and eating lots of junk food while ignoring calls and texts from your parents. 

Once you finished the Maze Runner, you felt yourself drifting to sleep. Calum picked you up gently and laid you down in the backseat of his car, driving you back home. He carried you bridal style to the door and had to knock with his foot. Your mother opened the door, relief washing over her. 

"Oh, thank god. She's okay." She welcomed Calum inside and he took you to your room to lay you down. He whispered a sweet goodnight before walking out. 

"Have a good night, Mr. and Mrs. y/l/n," Calum said and walked towards the door. 

"Wait," your mother insisted. "Please stay for just a few more minutes." Cal sat on the couch, across from your parents. "Thank you for bringing her back and caring for her. And we're really sorry about how we may have treated you in the past. You obviously make our daughter very happy and that's all a mother can ask for. We were just so afriad of our daughter growing up and we didn't know how to handle it." Calum didn't know what you say, so he just smiled as big as he could. 

"You really don't have to be afriad; I will take care of her. She means everything to me. I wouldn't be able to function properly without her." Your mother smiled.

"As long as you promise not to break her heart or pressure her into anything, you have our blessing." 

5sos  imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora