Luke imagine

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Your best friend, Luke, invited you to his friends New Years Eve party. You always hated going out on New Years because you were afraid someone crazy would do something but since it was your best friend, you agreed. You put on a cute black dress the reached a bit below your knees along with simple black heels. You had a natural makeup and kept your hair the same. Luke called you and told you that he was a few minutes away. You grabbed your purse and stuck in some money, lipgloss, and your phone before heading into the living room. You sat on the couch and waited for him to get here. Soon, someone knocked on the door and you rushed to get it. 

"Hey y/n," Luke greeted, "Are you ready?" You nodded and locked the door behind you. You walked over to the passenger side, but Luke beat you and opened the door, being the gentleman he is. 

"Thank you." Luke smiled at you, before closing the door and hopping into the driver seat. After a few minutes of casual conversation, you pulled up to a house with extremely loud music and cars park in any spot that was open. You both got out and he led you inside. 

"y/n, this is my friend Michael. He plays the guitar in our band. Michael, this is y/n,” Luke introduced. You smiled at the green-haired boy. 

“So,” Michael smirked, “You’re the famous y/n. Luke never stops talking about you.” Luke pushed a laughing Michael and rolled his eyes. 

“C’mon, there are some other people I’d like you to meet.” He held onto your arm as he pushed through the crowd of intoxicated people. You’ve always hated the smell of alcohol, so this was absolute hell for you. The stench began making you nauseous and you had a difficult time comprehending why anyone would purposely drink something so strong and that could possibly kill them. You soon reached two guys that were surrounded by a group of girls. 

“Luke! Took you long enough to get here,” one with messy chestnut brown hair teased. 

“I’m going to lie and say it was y/n’s fault,” Luke joked and you playfully slapped his arm. 

“Ahh, so you’re y/n? You’re much more beautiful than Luke said you were,” the boy with dark brown hair told you with a subtle wink. You laughed as Luke glared at him before dragging you away from, whom you soon were told was, Calum and Ashton. You hung around Luke the entire time, not wanting to be left alone with drunks. His friends had joined you an hour ago, and they continuously made jokes. Their jokes were so stupid that they made you laugh. Before you knew it, everyone started counting down to midnight. 

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Happy new year!" You turned around to say happy new year to Luke but soon felt his lips on yours. 

"I've been wanting to do that for a while now," he confessed once he pulled away. You smiled at him.

"I've been waiting for you to do that for a while," you admitted and his smiled wider. Your best friend had told you that he felt the same way you did. What a magical way to start the year. 

5sos  imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora