2) Michael imagine for Alyx

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You were on your way to school. Your father just got transferred from Ireland to Australia a month ago. Today was the first day of middle school and you couldn't be more nervous.

"You'll be fine, honey." Your mother reassured you as she dropped you off. "I'll pick you up at 4:00 okay?" You nodded, grabbed your things and got out of the car. You took out your schedule and began looking for the classroom. You looked up and saw the classroom you were looking for. Finally!! You walked in, only to realize that everyone was staring at you.

"Ah, so nice you to join us." The teacher sneered, "what's your name?"


"Alyx what?"

"Alyx Franklin."

"Hmm, since it's the first day I'll let you off the hook. If you are late again, you will have a detention." You gulped and nodded, taking the only seat next to a boy who was beaming.

"You're the transfer, right?" He asked and you nodded.

"How'd you k-" you were cut off.

"NO TALKING!" The teacher screeched. You rolled your eyes. This was going to be a long year.

Luckily, this was homeroom and you only had Ms. Johnson for 45 minutes everyday. As the bell rang, you grabbed your stuff and walked out when the kid from class caught up with you.

"Hey! Alyx!" He called out. You turned around, only to find that he was running, and crashed right into you. "Woah, sorry about that."

"It's fine, uh." You felt bad you never asked for his name.

"Oh! My name's Michael!" He extended his hand towards you. You shook it. "What class do you have next?" You looked at your schedule.

"Uh, World History with Dorico." He smiled.

"I have that class too! We can walk together, i mean, if you'd like to." You nodded and walked together. You found out you had every class with him, except second period. You've been best friends ever since.

*I'm so sorry if this isn't any good. This is the first imagine I've ever written, but hopefully I will get better at writing this.

Much love,

5sos  imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora