New Years with Him

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Ashton: Ashton would take you out on New Years. He would take you to a party someplace and make sure you guys kissed at midnight. 

Calum: You and Calum would stay in on New Years. You'd watch the New Years Eve tv special and have your own little party. You'd dance around to music and enjoy each others company.

Luke: You and Luke would just hang out together casually. It would be the day that he admitted his feelings for you. Great way to start the year.

Michael: You guys would have a small get together wtih friends and family. You'd invite your parents and sister while he'd invite his parents and the boys. There'd beb music, but all you really cared about was the food. 

Okay, this is really short! I'm going to post a Luke imagine based on this preference. Enjoy! :) Dedicated to Aria_Rosa for requesting this! 

5sos  imagines and preferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora