Chapter 11

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A/N: slkdfhslksksksks this gif ⋆✧。˚✩

(y/n) POV

I arrive at the square and spot Jack immediately (A/N: spot heh heh, let's see how many times I can slip this into the story), jogging over to him.

"So?" I say expectantly, he and Davey turn to face me as I approach. "Whea's Crutchie? Did you break him out?"

They share a look and then Jack looks away quickly.

"What?" My voice cracks a bit as I look between them.

"He got hoit when tha Delancy bruddas captured him. So, he wanted ta stay put." Jack says and rests a hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

I feel my blood begin to boil as I stood in silence when Race walks up. He shared a look with me and pats my back. I turned to look at Jack again to see him and Davey share a look. Everyone looked very solemn today. Everyone seems determined to make a difference, even if other newsies wouldn't help us. 

Even though Spot told me that he and the Brooklyn newsies wanted to support us, I couldn't tell Jack how I knew that without telling him I've been meeting up with Spot.

I adjusted my cap on my head as we crowded together. Boots appears at my side and looks up at me with worry. I pat his head in reassurance as all of us look up at The World building.

Newsies: Open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay.

Nothing will break us, no one will make us give our rights away.

Arise and seize the day.

We finish harmonizing as we all slowly walk forward. The youngest newsies make it to the front and set the beat with their tin can drums.

Determined now, I stop in between Boots and Race as all of us newsies pump our fists and jump to the beat. I link arms with Race as we all holler and then form a few lines with our arms linked.

We waited for a few seconds, and I held my breath nervously. A horse-drawn wagon filled with newspapers came barreling towards us.

We all split, running in either direction and I almost tripped trying to run away. Jack caught my arm and kept me steady and I just nodded at him while we all crowded back together.

We all watched it leave, turning to see a bunch of newsies with their papers for the day crowded at the gate, watching us.

"Alright, everyone remain calm!" Davey says holding his arms out, silence following his statement.

"Let's soak 'em for Crutchie!" Jack yells everyone cheering immediately after. I cheer with them and we all run towards the gate. I follow directly behind Jack as he nears the platform. I'm going to teach these assholes a lesson.

The newsies we were chasing all make it up the ramp while we follow them and they begin knocking on the metal doors. We all stop as they open and a crowd of adult men are revealed behind the door.

"Whoa, Jack! Jack, it's a trick!" Race yells from the platform as he and a few others jump down, running towards us.

I feel myself being squished between some of the newsies as the men crowd around. The men close the gates behind us, not allowing anyone else in.

Jack takes slow steps towards those of us being pushed around by the men while he's cornered by the Delancey Brothers. A man walks up to him, swinging a thick chain and I try to fight through to men holding us back.

"Jack! Jack, be careful!" I scream out as he jumps around the men and Davey is shoved next to me and Race. Race helps steady him on his feet and I watch as Jack stumbles on the steps up to the platform.

King of Brooklyn -- Spot Conlon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now