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(y/n) - your name

(l/n) - last name

(e/c) - eye color

(h/c) - hair color

(f/c) - favorite color

2 years ago

I was gasping for breath as I hid in the alleyway.

"Where did he go?!" I hear one of the coppers yell in the street.

I shut my eyes tight and cover my mouth, sinking down the wall. I tried to slow my breathing, hoping they wouldn't find me. I heard them shout and run past the alleyway.

I let out a ragged breath, letting myself breath heavily for a bit, trying to calm down.

I feel the pocket of my pants quickly and smile. I still had the loaf of bread and cheese I was able to snag. I sigh in relief and rest my head back against the wall.

I get up slowly and look out of the alleyway before continuing down it. I see a set of doors and inch towards them, glancing back at the entrance of the alleyway one more.

I gave the handles a tug and to my delight, they were unlocked. I open them and quickly sneak in. I looked around seeing stage equipment and costumes and took a step forward. I look to my right to see stairs leading upwards to a stage. There seemed to be no people here, so I took off my brother's old cap and let my pony tail fall.

Quick steps sounded from my right and I quickly tuck my ponytail back into my cap. I looked up quickly to see a woman at the top of the stairs..

"Shoo! Shoo! Get out of here! I don't want any teenage boys in here!" She says and quickly walks down the stairs as she begins to wave at me.

"Please, jus' let me hide hea foi (for) a bit, lady!" I clasp my hands together, begging with her. She was very pretty. He had bright orange curly hair and a lovely bright pink dress. "I'se jus' wants a quiet place to eats an' I'se gone!"

She stops for a second and looks at me quizzically. "Hold on..." She says, reaching for my cap.

"No, no-" I'm cut off by her taking it off.

"You're a girl." She says in a softer voice. "Dearie, why're you dressed like a boy?"

" 'Cuz I knows if I dress likes a goil I'se gets treated doiffently. (differently)" I say quietly, looking down at my feet.

"Treated differently? Are you looking for work or something?" She asks, handing my cap back to me and I take it, holding it to my chest.

"No, I'se been on the street for a whoile cuz my family died in a house fia (fire), an' boys have an easier time doin' stuff than goils do." I say, feeling myself start to cry. I haven't been able to talk to anyone about my family's death, or about anything for that matter.

"Oh, dearie." She sighs, and brings me over to a door and we walk in. It looks like a dressing room. It has a changing curtain in the corner, a vanity, a couch against the wall and a bunch of fancy dresses. "What's your name?" She asks quickly as she sits me down on the couch.

"I'se (y/n) (l/n)." I say softly and she nods at me standing up.

"Well, (y/n), I'm Medda. I have to go on stage soon, so stay down here and I will come right back and talk to you some more, okay?" She introduces herself and I nod. Then she rushes out of the room.

I pull the cheese and bread out of my pocket and set them down on the small table in front of me. I break off pieces of each and eat them hungrily, taking the chance to eat while I can.

I hear loud music and cheering start above me. It sounds wild upstairs, reminding me of the one time my parents took me to see a performance. I bet this lady is really talented if it's that loud.

I almost finished my bread and cheese when I leaned back on the couch. It was soft, and I hadn't sat on anything soft in a while. I closed my eyes for a second before bringing my legs up to my chest. I opened my eyes again to grab more of my food, but I felt kind of droopy. So I let myself close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


I was woken up with someone lightly shaking my shoulders which startled me.

The lady was there, and she introduced herself fully as Medda Larkin and that she owns this theatre. A boy about my age was standing next to her and he introduced himself as Jack Kelly.

Medda then talked about the idea of adopting me to give me a home off of the streets. I accepted with excitement and she also proposed the idea of Jack helping me become a newsie to earn some money. He said he would help hide me being a girl and I was overjoyed. I could finally have a chance at life again.

And that's where I am now. 

Two years later, at 15, living with Medda as my adopted mother and Jacky as my best friend. I got the newsie nickname 'Slick' since I've gotten pretty good at pickpocketing and swiping things from almost anyone. Sometimes to tease other newsies, and sometimes to make some extra money.

Jack doesn't let me spend a lot of time at the lodging house with the other newsies, though. He's scared that I would be found out and unsure of what would happen.

Though that was starting to become a problem since I was becoming...developed in other areas. Jack wouldn't let me hug the other boys very much anymore, and I would just laugh, because it started to just seem like jealousy at that point.

He was especially mad at Race for becoming a bad influence on me and giving me beer and cigars once.

Medda saw my getting older as a positive, and she had me start performing at the theatre with her a few months ago. With makeup and the right dress, she was able to make me look a little older.

I love that Jack comes to all of my shows for support, but a few of the other newsies found out and started coming as well. They started coming to every show and I found it quite endearing, even though Jack sees it as a problem. The boys couldn't tell the difference between Slick me and (y/n) me and they quickly became obsessed with (y/n) me. 

A/N: sup nerds. It's my first time posting on here, but not my first fanfic. I've written a lot, but been too scared to post so here goes nothing lmao

I'm probably going to insert pictures of outfits for reference in the story as well as describe them, if you guys are okay with that

I don't expect a ton of comments, but just know I'm trying my best to type in their accents. as much as I love hearing it, typing it is the worst haha

lmk what you think   

--Ann  (or dad lol jk I just have some friends that jokingly call me that, even tho I'm a girl)

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