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Chat Noir's blurred vision cleared, a bit confused about where he was at that moment. The lights were dimmed like how it was at his house, but the bed didn't feel like his. He looked to his right to see a soundly sleeping, her hands securely hugging his arm.


They fell alseep?

He pulled out his baton, clicking the paw the check the time.


"Shoot," he mumbled sleepily, tucking his baton back onto his belt and slowly pulling his hand out of Marinette's grasp. She stirred in her sleep, eyes cracking open.

"Chat?" she called softly in her sleepy voice, looking up at him. "I have to go home, it's late," he told her, regretting rushing to get up as soon as she stretched and got up. "Woah woah, where are you going? Go back to sleep, princess," he told her, the girl shaking her head. She climbed down, heading the the corner of her room and grabbing something that particularly used to belong to him.

Or, well, Adrien.

"Isn't this the umbrella Adrien gave you?" he asked as she handed it to him unhesitantly. "Yeah, it is, why?"

The boy hesitated. "You said, it's quite special to you, why are you giving me this?" Marinette sighed. "I don't want you to get sick Chat, it's still raining heavily," she told him, a worried look etched on her face. "But-" he started, the girl cutting him off. "No, take it, besides, you can return it to me tomorrow," she reminded him.

He sighed, taking it from her. "Thank you, goodnight," he said, kissing her forehead before climbing out the hatch.


Now, you would think that the rain would be alright the next day, right?


Even if it did stop at five in the morning, by the time Adrien woke up to get ready for school, it had started to rain again. Groaning, he entered the bathroom and showered, then putting on his clothes and grabbing his bag.

And the umbrella Marinette gave him last night.

He really didn't realise he had grabbed that grey one instead of his usual green one until Nino pointed it out when he arrived at school. "Dude, isn't that the umbrella you gave Marinette?" he asked, and that's when it hit him.

"Uh," the blonde let out awkwardly, just slightly nodding. "Did she give it back to you or something? When did she even give it to you?"

Think Agresté. Think.

"Oh uh, well when we went to visit her when she was sick she returned it to me because it was raining and I didn't have an umbrella."

Nino settled with that lie, heading back to his headphones and music.

The bluenette girl sitting in front of him at that moment could not believe what she had just heard. Half of her thought she was imagining it, heck, she even slapped herself slightly.

She could not believe it.

Chat Noir was Adrien Agresté.

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