[018]; AUL Incorrect quotes.

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Therapy ? Expensive.
Any incorrect quotes ? Free 👍

Mr Cheese : Hey Player, wanna hear a joke ?

Player : Yeah sure, whatever.

Mr Cheese : Victory.

Player : I don't get it.

Mr Cheese : Exactly.

Player :

Mr Cheese : Come on, guys. I wasn't that drunk last night.

Player : You were flirting with Gentleman.

Mr Cheese : So what ? He's my boyfriend.

Veteran : You asked him if he was single.

Mr Cheese :

Stoner : And then you cried when he said he wasn't.

-In a group chat-

Bro : Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat ?

Gentleman : >:O language.

Mr Cheese : Yeah, watch your fucking language.

Stoner : Okay who taught Mr Cheese the fuck word.

Veteran : 'The fuck word'.

Captain : Are you guys okay? You guys use the f word all the time.

Player : Oh my god he censored it.

Mr Cheese : Say fuck, Captain.

Bro : Yeah, Do it Captain. Say fuck.

Sheriff : Hey Bday, can you give me some dating advice ?

Bday : Just because I'm with Rose doesn't mean I know how I did it.

Sheriff : Angel and I don't use pet names.

Stoner : I see. Hey, what do bees make ?

Sheriff : Honey ?

Angel : Yes, dear ?

Sheriff :

Stoner : Don't ever lie to my face again.

Bro : In your opinion, what's the height of stupidity ?

Ninja [Turning to Bro] : あなたの身長はどれくらいですか?(How tall are you ?)

Not-Orange : Well, then I guess you don't care about what Veteran said about your mom...

Player : Nope.

Not-Orange : (God Damn It-) Well, then I guess you don't care about what Veteran said about your hamster....

Player : What?! What did he say about Gerald ?

Sheriff : Hey, it's your turn to wash dishes.

Angel : I'll wash the walls red with your blood.

Sheriff : Okay. But can you wash the dishes first ? Also use soap this time.

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