[023]; AUL Incorrect quotes. [Part II]

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Ah shit, here we go again.


Ninja : [Taps on table]

Bro : [Taps back furiously]

Player : What are they doing ?

Veteran  : They're arguing in morse code.

Ninja  : [Aggressively taps table]

Bro [Slams hands down on the table] : OH SHUT THE FUCK UP-

Mother : Alright, what are good responses to getting stabbed ?

Gentleman : Rude.

Engineer  : Fair.

Captain : Not again.

Player : Are you going to want that knife back or can I keep it ?

Mr Egg : it’s KNIFE to meet you.

Mother :

Veteran : I saw you hanging out with Captain yesterday.

Player : V-veteran!! It's not what you think-

Veteran : I won't hesitate, bitch.

Bro : Mother, why do good people die young ?

Mother : When you are in a garden full of flowers, which ones do you pick ?

Bro : The ugly ones.

Mother : Exac– wait what ?

Bro : Because ugly bitches don't belong in my beautiful garden.

Captain : What’s Veteran's password ?

Player : Fuck you Captain

Captain : Wow, that was rude.

Player : No, seriously, that’s his password. “fuckyoucaptain.” all lowercase, no spaces.

Captain : Oh. no numbers? not very safe.

Wizard : Good morning.

Captain : Good morning !

Player : Good morning.

Veteran : You all sound like robots, “good morning, good morning”, spice it up a bit!

Bro [practically kicks the door open] : HEY MOTHERFUCKERS !


Player : At least try to sound sophisticated when you challenge someone.

Bro : Doth thou wish to engage in a duel, my good bitch?

Player : I do.

Flamingo : Hey Baggy, what color are Blondie's eyes ?

Baggy [dreamily] : The bold yellow glow of sunshine when it's piercing through the clouds on a warm summer dawn.

Flamingo : what ?

Baggy [frantically] : I-I SAID YELLOW!

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