[029]; AUL Incorrect quotes. [Part IV]

437 15 88

Wtf it's 3 am--


Captain [On the phone] : Oh so you're not coming to my tea party ?

Captain [Break down Player's bedroom door] : PLAYER, I MADE BISCUITS

Mr Egg : I don't sing in the shower.

Mr Egg : I ✨ PERFORM ✨

Baggy : Stop saying I look like chicken little

Baggy : He's dumb and he's a coward

Baggy : and I'm NOT a coward

Ninja : Let me read your palm.

Bro : This is stupid but fine.

Ninja : Hmmmm interesting.

Bro : What ? What’s it saying ?

Ninja : It says you’re a bitch.

Mr Egg : I made tea.

Mr Cheese : I don’t want tea.

Mr Egg : I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.

Mr Cheese : Then why are you telling me ?

Mr Egg : It is a conversation starter.

Mr Cheese : That’s a lousy conversation starter.

Mr Egg : Oh, is it ? We are conversing. Checkmate.
[Related to RL]

Captain : Welcome to Cap's Beans, would you like to place an order ?

Player : What's the options ?

Captain : Yes or No.

Safari [Walking into her apartment] : Hello, people who do not live here.

Baggy : Hi !

Tek : What's up ?

Rookie : Heya

Hollywood : Hey

Ivan : Hello.

Safari [Looking at Ivan] : I gave you the key for emergencies !

Ivan : We were out of Doritos.

Mr Egg : What are you drinking ?

Hunter : Vodka.

Mr Egg : What the-- Straight?

Hunter : No, Pan.

Mr Egg : No, I mean the vodka.

Hunter : How am I supposed to know the vodka's sexuality ?

Bro : ARE YOU--

Stoner : fucking.


Stoner : fucking.

Bro : IDIOT !

Player : Okay...What was that ?

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