[039]; AUL Incorrect quotes. [Part V]

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Pirate [Talking about Captain] : Everyone's accusing me of having put a spider in the bathroom with the intention of hurting him. But I would never do that...

Pirate : I would have put a scorpion.

Kidnapper : We have one of your friends , pay us and you will get him back.

Ninja : Which one ?

Kidnapper [While Bro is staring at him intensely] : T-the fashionable one.

Ninja : He made you say that, right ?

Kidnapper [On the verge of crying] : Just come and take him back. PLEASE.

Engineer : I put a little note in your bag to tell you that I love you.

Gnome [Opening her bag] : This is a 30+ page letter.

Ivan : это все твоя вина.

Tek : Yeah I know, I know.

Safari : You speak Russian ?

Tek : Nah. I just know the phrase ‘this is your fault’ in every language he speaks.

Veteran : Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.

Player : Are you okay ?

Veteran : Greaser stole my damn garlic bread.

Veteran : ...I'm gonna request you to fetch us some coffee before we get into this I mean everyone gets coffee and shitty movies with seems like this am I right I want something iced, bitch. Engie.

Engineer :

Engineer : I'll have a neapolitan cappucino more cappu than cino. Make sure its got no more than four ounces of milk, the beans won't have the right texture otherwise. And make sure they spell my name correctly on the cup they always put "Angie" or "Andy" I hate that. If you can't handle that I'll have a venti traditional misto please use soy milk with two blonde shots affogato AND RISTRETTO! I'd also love three vanilla pumps at the very bottom then add the coffee after and---

Player  : What did you guys get in your yearbook ?

Mr Egg : 'Prettiest Smile'

Veteran : 'Nicest Personality'

Bro : 'Most likely to start a bar fight'

Mr Cheese : 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'

[2nd version of the incorrect quote in chapter 18];

Happy : Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat ?

Safari : >:0 language!

Baggy : Yeah, watch your fucking language!

Ivan : Okay, who taught Baggy the fuck word?!

Tek : This time it's not me.

Hollywood : 'The fuck word'

Lovely : Do you guys are okay? You guys use the f word all the time.

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