[035]; Next generation AU thing;

559 15 14

[R.I.P. My fingers and my patience]

•Their designs;


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• Rose's n Bday's daughter;

•Oliver's twin sister;

•Sweetheart, friendly and very cheerful;

•Plant mom vibes;

•She helps her family as much as she can;

•Works at her mother's flower shop sometimes;

•She's from class A and part of the gardening club at school.

•She's close friends with Clover since childhood;

•She and Kurayami talk sometimes;

•Rarely talks to Damian but she feels she is being ignored by him;

•She and Duchess were close friends but they haven't spoken since that day about Clover;

•She would possibly kick someone's ass who teases Oliver;
(Because no one is allowed to tease Oliver except her lmao)

•Gentleman's n Mr Cheese's adopted daughter;

•She secretly laughs at Mr Cheese's jokes;

•She and Gentleman have a tea party and talk about some things;

•Smart, polite and elegant;

•Known as the "Miss little perfect" by some;

•Queen Bee vibes;

•Very popular, everyone at school admires and respects her (except a few);

•She's from class A, Student council president and vice-president at the literature club;

•She hates when things don't go as planned;

•She and Petunia were close friends but they haven't spoken since that day about Clover;

•She and Clover are rivals, they fight over who's the smartest in the class (She fuckin hates him);

•She's more afraid of Kurayami than Damian;

•If Oliver wasn't related to Petunia, she would definitely tease him;

•Gnome's n Engineer's son;

•He helps his father with some projects;

•He spends his free time playing some games with his mother;

•Smart, calm and friendly;

•That friend who helps with some homework;

•He's the only one who knows how to keep secrets;

•He's from class A and part of the science club at school;

•He hates when things don't go as planned;

•Close friends with Petunia and Oliver since childhood;

•Also he's close friends with Kurayami;

•He only talked to Damian once or twice;

•Clover doesn't really hate Duchess, but he doesn't understand her logic about hating him after he said he didn't feel the same way about her, He only saw her as one of his best friends;

•Angel's n Sheriff's son;

•His parents are divorced;

•Mysterious, reserved and not talkative;

•Lollipop addict;

•He's from class A and part of the archer club at school;

•As absurd as it sounds, he's good at math;

•He hates socializing and gets irritated easily;

•He's comfortable when he's around Petunia;

•He and Kurayami seem to be close friends;

•He seems to get along with Clover and Oliver;

•He can't stand the Duchess 24/7;

•Ninja's son;

•His mother died during childbirth;

•He admires his father's skills and techniques;

•Cold, quiet and reserved;

•One of the smartest students;

•He's from class A and is not part of any club because of indecision;

•He spends time reading, training or meditating;

•Likes anything with matcha and sakura flavor;

•He speaks in Japanese when he curses or threatens someone;

•He and Petunia (also Oliver) talk sometimes;

•He's close friends with Clover;

•Also he and Damian seem to be close friends;

•He hates Duchess;

•Rose's n Bday's son;

•Petunia's twin brother;

•Petunia always teases him about the fact that she's a minute older than him;

•Quiet, anxious and awkward at times but he's a good guy;

•He's from class B and part of the photography club at school;

•Works at a coffee shop after school;

•He likes to watch romantic comedies (Clover's the only one who knows this);

•Close friends with Clover since childhood;

•Damian seems to get along with him;

•He and Kurayami talk sometimes;

•He doesn't care about Duchess and her popularity;
[✒] Bonus;

•Their ages are between 16 and 18 years old;

•Shortest to tallest are : Duchess,Petunia/Oliver, Clover, Kurayami and Damian;

[653 words];

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