5: Good News

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Seulgi's POV

The meeting just finished, we are just fixing our things and the important documents.

"We can lunch together CEO Kang." one of the investor suggested.

"I'd love to but I can't Mr. Hwang, my wife and the kids are waiting me in the office so I get going now." I tap her shoulder and he just nod.

I got out to the meeting room then proceed to my office with Nayeon, my secretary tailing me. When we are in front of my office, I can hear the loud laugh of my babies.

"You can join our lunch if you want." Nayeon shook her head as a disapproval.

"It's okay Seul, Jeong will pick me up." I give her a nod and warm smile then open the door.

"DADAAAA!!" the twins run to me with milk on their mouth and hug my legs. I carry them both and gosh they're so heavy.

"What kind of food mommy gave to you two?" we go to the couch where my beautiful wife looking at us smiling "Hello, beautiful..." I kiss her lips then she get Sooyoung from me "..they are so heavy." I pouted and she just slap my face playfully.

"Of course, because they're healthy unlike you, you're so skinny just eat mo--" I cut her off when I kiss her lips again.

"I know I know." I laugh at her then she glared at me but I don't mind her and focus to my Yerim.

I'm listening on the twins story telling when Nayeon peek at the door.

"Seul sorry for disturbance but Ms. Lee wants to have a private meeting with you. I'll text the location later." she said waving her hand to Irene and the twins and I nod then she leave.

I sit on the couch with Yeri on my lap playing with my tie, Sooyoung is busy on her dolls now.

My wife wipes my sweat on the back of my neck and forehead "Private meeting? is that important to have a private meeting?" she asked in annoyance.

"I don't know, maybe she will be proposing something." I assure her and she wipes Yeri's back that full of sweat now.

"Then go here in your office, why it needs to be somewhere else?" she's acting jealous now, I can smell it and it's dangerous.

I pull her closer to me and side hug her "You'll go with me and the kids but in separate table for us to have a good talk, is that okay with you?" she nodded and I kiss her head.

"Mommy I'm hungry now!" Joy whined.

I got up from the couch while carrying Yeri "Let's eat now, I don't want my princess to be hungry." Joy jumping on the couch and Irene stop her immediately.

We got out on my office with me carrying my lovely daughter Kang Yerim and my wife carrying my beautiful daughter Kang Sooyoung. The employees greeted us and Joy waving her small hands like a celebrity, she's enjoying this hahaha this kid!

I drive to Byul's restaurant to take a lunch there with my family. She said she's not here in Seoul but Solar does.
We are settled now in the table, Irene requested for a high chair for the twins. She ordered our food then told the staff to mention to his boss that we are here.

"Love, mom borrowing the twins from me, they will go back to Germany next week." my wife shared to me while she's fixing Joy's messy hair.

"Okay." I shortly replied.

"They will pick up the twins tomorrow before lunch then bring them back at night the day after tomorrow." that long I cannot see my babies but their grandma will leave soon so I understand.

"Hello idiots!" Solar butt in flashing a smile to us.

"Mama Solar!" the twins shouted and Solar give them a tight hug and kisses.

"Hello our beautiful babies, how are you? you two are now a big girl." she talk to the twins, all of my friends really love the twins and Leo, Jennie and Lisa's son because they are the baby of the group since the others don't have a child yet.

"Mama Solar you'll eat with us?" Yeri asked and Solar nodded.

She kiss Yeri's cheek "Yeah, I'm waiting to you because Dada Seul called me that you'll eat here." she stated.

"Where's Byul?" Irene asked Solar

Solar take her sit beside me "Ah Byul? She's out of the country for a business trip, you know she's handling their family business right?" the food arrived then Irene immediately serve Joy because she's so hungry, I do it by myself because she will feed Yeri and herself too.

While the kids are busy munching their food "We don't hangout for almost 2 years now because of our busy schedules, I miss the group." Solar whined.

"Yeah, especially Seulgi's squad. Wendy is so busy on her singing career now, I'm so proud of her." Irene stated and I nod.

"Maybe soon, we can hangout with the kids. I don't see Chu and Chaeng for a year now." I told them.

"Yeah maybe some other time, by the way I'll tell you something..." Solar started that made me and my wife look at her "...Sooyoungie, Yerimie and our youngest Leo will be having a playmate.. I'm 2 months pregnant." my eyes widen so as Irene.

"Byul must be happy, does she know it?" Irene asked and Solar shook her head multiple times.

"Not yet, I want to surprise her when she got home, I'll let her to tell it to others." Solar replied.

"Congratulations, I hope it's a boy." hoping it's a boy because I really want to have a baby boy.

"I'm hoping too!" she said when I look at Irene she just smiled at me then give Yeri a food and help Joy. Maybe she's not yet ready to got pregnant again.

We finished our lunch chitchatting. We bid our goodbye to Solar then I dropped them to the café before I go back to the office.


Baby boy.

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