35: Stranger

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It's just a normal Friday afternoon, Irene is just staying at SooRim's café since Seulgi let her but she needs to be extra careful because she's in her first trimester of pregnancy, so Seulgi let Jackson to guard her wife.

On the other hand, Winter or Kim Min Jeong, her younger sister is staying with them because she wants to continue her studies in Korea than there in Germany where her parents live.

"Unnie!" Winter shouted when she's entering the café.

Irene immediately signed her sister to lower down her voice.

"I'm so sorry everyone.." she apologized to the customers and quickly grab her sister's wrist and make her sit in one of the available sit there "You're so loud! Now I know why Sooyoung and you are really close!" she glared at Winter but the latter didn't mind what she said.

"My professor wants to talk to you." Winter stated.

"Yah! You're just new here but you--" Irene is ready to lecture her sister but she was quickly cut it.

"Unnie I didn't do anything!" Winter said in disbelief.

"Then why your professor wants to talk with me?" Irene became suspicious.

Winter explained everything to her unnie on why her professor wanted to talk to her sister. The said professor will go directly to their café after working hours.

Winter's POV

Having mother like Kim Taeyeon and older sister Kang Joohyun was hell annoying. They're always jumping into conclusion. Do I look quarrelsome? I look beautiful and hot at the same time but I'm not the type of student who enjoys to stay in Guidance Office.

By the way, I'm on my way to my niece's school to fetch them since I don't want to make unnie tired and besides I don't have class anymore this day.

While I'm waiting here at the parking lot, I saw a lady crying alone. At first I don't give her a fuck but dang she's crying soundless and I know if someone cries like that, definitely she's really hurt. Hesitantly, I do approach her.

"I'm not a friend of yours neither a villain yet I'm a stranger who's willing to listen." I said and she looks up.

"Thank you." the girl who has a very small face gives me a quick smile.

I handed her my handkerchief before taking a seat beside her.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

It took a minute before she calms down and speak.

"I don't have someone taking my side since my mother died. Appa married another woman 2 years after my eomma's death. When my father was at work, my stepmom is hitting me. It got worse when appa was diagnosed with cancer. Also my step sisters, it came to the point that I didn't go to school because of my bruises and wounds, and also they're cutting my allowance. I want to be a flight attendant like eomma but since I'm not regularly going to school, I'm dropped out." she smiles at me bitterly and painfully.

I'm wondering why she's here and where she will go home.

"By the way, why are you here?"

"This was the place where eomma and I has a good memories together, right here under this tree." she said.

"Where are you going after this?"

"You mean home?" I nodded "I don't know. They kicked me out in our house after appa buried, maybe I will just walk around and let myself tired." she stated.

Since Irene unnie is finding a worker, maybe she can apply there and work at the café.

I told her what I have in my mind. At first she's declining but I'm persistent person so she finally give in. Two of us fetches the twins and immediately went back to café before Irene unnie smack me in case I'm late again from picking up her kids.

Karina, the cute girl.. I mean the crying girl was with us and damn she's instantly close with the twins as if they knew each other for a long time.


Irene's POV

Winter was with a pretty lady with her when she get back from fetching her nieces. To be honest at first I thought the girl is her girlfriend because they really look like a couple but Winter frankly said that they weren't. She also told me about Karina's situation and I feel bad for her, maybe I will ask Seulgi if we can help the kid because she really needs it.

"There she is, unnie!" for the nth time why this sister of mine needs to shout? That's why I don't want her and Seulgi get along "Hi Ms. Chou!" she greets her professor with politeness while me, her sister, she even tease me and talk like I'm younger than her.

"Let's go to my office..." I said to Winter's professor then shift my gaze to Winter and Karina who's busy playing with the twins "Kim Min Jeong... watch your nieces. If I hear Yeri cries again because you and Sooyoung teases her, I will kicked you back to Germany!" and there's my sister who has a big smirk in her face, just smirking.

"Okay ma'am!" she playfully gives me a salute.

"Karina.." she look at me "Order anything you want.. Winter will pay for you." she just laugh and I quickly walk to my office with the professor following me before I can hear Winter's whines.


At Irene's Office...

"Take a seat." Irene pointed the couch "You want anything? Coffee? Tea?" she asked.

"No no no, it's okay." Ms. Chou replied, the professor.

"Hmm, alright. Why do you want to talk to me?" Irene frankly asked because it's her, she's very frank and straightforward person.

"I'm not here because I'm your sister's professor, I'm here because I want to apologize with you which I should have done a long time ago." she pauses and take my hands that resting on my lap "I'm really sorry for treating you badly when we were back in college. I only did that because I thought in that way I will get Seulgi back but I'm totally wrong because I gave you a hard time and your daughters." she's now sobbing so I stand up and hugs her.

Tzuyu wasn't that bad at me before. Like what she said, she just did that because she thought she will get Seulgi back to hers. Yeah she said to me a hurtful words but I just shrugged it off.

"Ssshhh.. don't cry, I have forgave you a long time ago and I'm not taking a grudge on you. Love changes people in any means so I understand." I pattens her back to calm her down.

"You're so kind and understanding person, no wonder why Seulgi fell for you." we both laugh in her statement, I see she has moved on to my wife "I want to be your friend, can I?" she shyly asked.

"Of course. From now on call me unnie, since I'm older than you." she cries again but now in happiness.

We both talked about an hour catching up things, she even talked to me why Seulgi and her broke up and how Winter behaves in her class. I introduced her also to Sooyoung and Yerim not mentioning the part that Tzuyu is their Dada's ex-girlfriend, they'll misinterpret that.


I just wrote it tonight haha.


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