53: What?

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Irene awoke unexpectedly when she didn't sense Seulgi's presence beside her. When she checked the clock on her phone, it was already 12 AM. She got up and put on a jacket since she was freezing.

She hears laughter from two individuals as she walks around the home, and she figures it's coming from the kitchen.

"Her mom and I were arguing about something at that time, and since she is Taeyeon's apprentice, she threw a plate at me and it perfectly landed in my nose. She thought that I was murdering her mom, though the truth was that Taeyeon and I were just arguing about who of us would talk to our neighbor that we hated so much." Irene's father told Seulgi this while laughing about his ex-wife's memories with them.

Irene finally arrived in Seulgi. One of her arms is on Seulgi's shoulder as she stands beside her.

"Aren't you two done?" she asks, indicating to the two bottles of beer on the table.

"We're just having a good time, Princess!" Mr. Bae replied quietly.

Irene was forced to sit alongside Seulgi. She takes her wife's hand in hers and begins to play with it.

"But, Dad, it's already 12 AM You will visit aunty tomorrow, right?" Irene asked her father, she's referring to her stepmother.

"Aish... let us finish this, then we'll go to sleep." Seulgi murmurs to Irene.

She merely allowed her father and Seulgi continue their unfinished business, which is the two bottles of beer, despite her will. She returned to their bedroom and fell asleep again. She was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as her back hit the bed.

It's already 9 in the morning but Seulgi is still in bed as she loudly snores while Irene is drying her hair because she's just done showering.

She didn't mind waking up her wife because she thought that Seulgi needed more time to sleep and rest.

As Irene is doing her stuff, Yeri enters their room with a cheeky smile.

"Hello, Mommy!" she exclaims.

"Hello," the mother replied.

"Where's dada?" Yeri's eyes roamed her eyes around the room, searching for Seulgi.

"Bathroom, she's peeing baby." Irene answers.

"Okay." she climbs up to the bed and sits there. After some seconds, she called her mom again.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can I ask something, mommy?"

"Of course!" Irene exclaimed.

Yeri fixed her sitting position and looked at her mom, even though Irene's back was facing her.

"What is a boyfriend and a girlfriend? Is that a treat? Can I have one?" Yeri asked.

"B-boyfriend? G-girlfriend? Where did you hear those words?" Irene faced her daughter with a weird look.

"Unnies!" Yeri happily said.

"Who again?" Irene questioned.

"Sooyoung unnie and Jimin unnie..." Yeri whines, as she thinks Irene is annoying her again by just asking her many times.

"Did they teach you those words?" Irene continues to interrogate.

"No. I just heard it from them both." Yeri just answered innocently.

"The 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'?"

"Yes. Mommy... you keep asking me!" Yeri whines. "I just want to ask Dada if I can have that because, from what I heard, Sooyoung unnie has it and also Jimin unnie!" she added.

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