16: You're Here

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Suho's POV

I am looking for Irene all these years to say how sorry I am for cheating on her. Actually, I love her but I made her best friend pregnant that time and my parents said that I should break up with Irene and take my responsibility. But then the baby didn't make it, I'm so broken that time. I let Irene go and the only reason to fix my life didn't make it.

When I saw Irene on her café, my hopes to winning her back is rises. She's still this beautiful, nothing change. My hopes winning her back rise up but not then when she said she has a daughter now.

I try once to get close to her daughters but seems like that kids were so loyal to their father.

Mr. Cha, my co-investor invited me to have some fun and to celebrate too because they closed a deal with Kang Group of Companies. He even mention CEO Kang Seulgi will join us. I've been admiring her because of her passion and the way she runs their business in such a young age. I want to meet her again and be her friend.

Back to my love of my life, Irene. I still love her. I'm falling deeper and deeper by just looking at her beautiful face.

You will be mine again, Irene. I will make you mine!

Irene's POV

Kang Seulgi never failed to feel how much she loves me and the kids. She knows how to protect our relationship, she will never cheat and I'm sure with that because she hates the feeling how to be betrayed. The twins and I are so lucky to have her in our lives.

It's already 7:00 PM yet I'm still here at the café since Seulgi told me earlier that she will fetch us here. The twins go somewhere with Rosé to buy some foods because they're starving, I am surprised that she visited us here without informing me. So here it is, I'm all alone here, the café is not yet close since I'm still here but I leave a note saying "we're closed".

I'm busy with this financial reports of the café that Mina send me earlier. I hear the door creaks, maybe that's Rosé and the twins so I shrugged it off because they will go here in my office directly. But there's no noise, the twins always talking with their full volume but why seem to be so quiet? I set aside the papers to check them outside and when I was about to open the door to go out when someone opens it, my eyes widen because I didn't expect this person in front of me.

Suho. Suho is in front of me and he's drunk! I feel like I'm going to throw up because of the smell of alcohol.

He stumbled to me so I catched him and support him by holding his shoulders "What are you doing here? and why are you so drunk?" he didn't answer my question.

Suho removes my arms that supporting him but he tried to stand up straight and he successfully did. He holds my hands and rub his thumb at the back of it "All this time, I still love you Irene." he burst out crying.

No. It's a big no. I love Seulgi, I love the kids, I love my family so much and I don't want to be ruin it. If Seulgi will see us in this state she will misinterpret this and the kids will be mad at me.

"S-suho.. I can't.. I love my family..." I said but he just stare at me with sadness "..I don't love you anymore, please.. I'm sorry Suho. You can leave now before my daughters and my wi--" he grip on my wrist so tight that made me wince in pain.

"No! that's bullshit! you are mine Irene!" he shouted and kiss my neck aggressively. I try to loosen his grip on my wrist and remove his lips that kissing my neck now.

I cried and telling him to stop but he didn't stop yet try to remove top "Please S-suho.. don't plea-- Suho..." I tried my best to push him but he's so strong compared to me. He's still trying to remove my blouse but he stopped when Joy shouted.

"What are you doing to mommy?" she shouted in anger.

Suho let go of me then look at Joy's direction. He's about to go to Joy but I pull him with all of my force. No no no! not my daughter, not Sooyoung!

Thankfully he stopped but he's glaring at Sooyoung "You!" Suho pointed Joy using his forefinger "I will kill you and your sister so that I will take Irene away!" he shouted.

I see Joy got scared because Suho shouted at her. She looked at me with teary eyes and curling her lips indicating she will cry, I'm about to go to her but Suho stopped me.

"Let go of me, Suho!" his eyes is full of anger because I slapped him so hard but he grip on my wrist tighter.

He push me so hard that made me stumbled on the floor, I see Sooyoung just crying loudly and frozen on her place. Suho go on top of me and kiss my neck and chest area again.

"Mommy.. Dada.." Joy is shouting and crying at the same time.

Suho continue to kiss me while I'm still forcing myself to get off from his grip but I just can't. I'm crying and shouting to asked some help but no one comes. He forcefully removed my blouse leaving me with my bra, he's sucking my neck and chest making sure it will a mark and when he's about to pull off my pants when someone pick him and punch him so hard.

I'm so shocked and froze to my place seeing Suho and Seulgi throwing punches to each other. Suho was drunk but he can still manage to fight back and give a hard punches to Seulgi who were now fuming in anger and give a harder punches to Suho too. When she made Suho lay on the floor with bloods on his face and hands, she give him a multiple blow that made Suho's face covers with his own blood. When she's sure that Suho is unconscious, she goes to me and remove her coat for me to cover myself. Thank you, you are here!


I don't want to prolong this type of scene so I ended it up quickly hehe.


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