Chapter 4

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        I'd ruined it. I knew it. It was stupid of me to have told Michael what I thought when I knew how Michael acted.

        "Shit, sorry," I blurted out, turning and racing for the door. As soon as I got outside, I took a deep breath and sat down on the ground right next to Ashton's car. Casey had become decent friends with him in the past two weeks, and had dragged me along with her to his band audition. It took a minute, but Casey came running outside after me.

        "Leah, you okay?" she asked, concerned, crouching down next to me. I nodded, trying not to cry. This was ridiculous. I had met him twice. He seemed like a complete dick. Casey sat down next to me, and I leaned my head on her shoulder. "It'll be okay," she murmured, squeezing me in a hug.

        Thank God for Casey. She had no clue why I was crying, she just let me. And I knew she wouldn't question me afterwards. After a few minutes, Ashton came out, grinning like he'd just won a million dollars.

        "I'm in!" he yelled, but instantly grew concerned when he saw me. "You okay, Leah?" I nodded yes, and managed to stand up. Casey helped me into the car because I wasn't really sure if my legs could hold me. 

        "Is she okay?" I heard Ashton quietly whisper to Casey, concern in his voice.

        "I'm not sure," Casey sighed as we started driving. When they dropped me off at my house, Casey helped me inside and up the stairs to my room. 

        "Thanks," I whispered, and she smiled down at me. 

        "No problem. I'll call you when I can, okay?" I nodded, and she walked out of the bedroom. Almost instantly, my phone buzzed. Confused, I picked it up, seeing a message from a new number.

        I'm really sorry for today the message read.

        Um, okay, but who is this? I typed back.

        It's Michael came the reply. I slammed the phone down on the little table beside my bed, but picked it up again. I was curious to see what he had to say. 


        This is Leah, right? Despite the fact that I was mad at him, I couldn't help but laugh.


        I didn't want some random person thinking I was a stalker.

        How'd you get my number than? Despite the fact that I thought he was a complete dick, I found myself glad to be texting him.

        Casey. Anyways. What you said today.

        Yes?...... For some reason, my heart started beating. He was probably going to say I was an idiot or something.

        I know what you mean. I've been feeling like that too. I gasped loudly with a smile. 


        Yeah.  I laughed for some very odd reason, but then remembered who I was talking to. This was the guy that freaked out on his girlfriend for a relatively speaking small thing. He was not good news. Forcing down a feeling of what can only be described as despair, I typed a reply.

        I'm sorry, but I was probably exaggerating. I bit my lip as I sent the message, hoping he wouldn't see through the lie. If I had to live with heartbreak for a few months, so be it. I tried to convince myself that this was the best thing for me, that being anywhere near him wasn't good. Fighting down tears yet again, I waited for his reply.

        I'm sorry to have bothered you. I could almost hear the depression in his voice. 

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