Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Aspen holds my hand as he leads me back to the beautiful clearing. He seems nervous about something. His face is full of worry and he runs his hands through his hair a lot as we walk.

"Are you okay?" I ask nervously. Maybe he is upset about me having an ex boyfriend. Maybe I ruined our chances together. I have taken his life by storm since I got here, maybe it's just too much. Maybe I'm too much to handle.

"Yeah." He mumbles.

We reach the rocks and we sit. He takes a few calming breaths and my heart feels like it's about to shatter. Why else would he need to talk to me other than to get rid of me or something?

"I have something to tell you. I don't know how you are going to take it so just hear me out." He says scratching his head and messing up his hair. I can't keep his gaze so I settle for gazing at the ground. Here it comes. The moment I have to live through for the rest of my life. Losing someone like him.

"I'm very happy to have met you and gotten to talk to you. You're the nicest and sweetest and most beautiful person I have ever met. But-"

"-but I'm too much to handle. I have too much baggage. I understand. I'll just go back home with my parents if that's what you want." I interrupt. I can't bear to see his face so I close my eyes and hold my head down.

"Look at me." He says after some time of silence. I can't. I can't see his eyes of pity and sadness. He doesn't want me here anymore and that's that.

"Lacey. Look at me please." He begs and I hear the hurt in his voice. I look to this handome man and his blue eyes are darker than they usually are. How he did that, I don't know.

"That will never happen. You hear me? That will never ever happen. I'm never ever letting you go." He says brushing my hair behind my ear. I can't stop the blush and the urge to kiss him. In this short time I've been here, I already have new friends and I even have a crush. As childish as that sounds.

"Well then what's bothering you?" I ask. He sighs and let's go of my face.

"I'm about to tell you something that will change your life forever. All I ask is you give me a chance and you don't run away from me. I have to make sure you are okay." He says looking at me full of concern and worry. I nod and hold his hand. His touch is the only thing that will calm me.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" He asks rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"I guess so. I like to think my parents are soul mates." I tell him. I don't know where he is going with this.

"Okay. Would you believe me if I told you that I have one?" He says smiling. His eyes are full of love and joy when he says this. I chuckle at his glee and nod for the fun.

"Well what if I also told you my soul mate is you." My cheeks warm up and I can't stop the smile from my face. He just confessed his love to me. He does like me!

"In my world, we call our other half mates. A mate is the person we are meant to be with for the rest of our lives. It's more than an emotional connection but also physical. When a person meets their mate, their souls bond. It's the strongest and most important bond in the world. Do you understand so far?" He asks and I just nod.

He means our souls are together now? Physically and mentally?

"There are 3 steps to completing the mating process. Step one is accepting. You have to accept that they are your mate and promise to love and protect them. You also have the choice to reject your mate but that is meant to be very very painful. Remember how I said our bodies are also connected on an physical level too? When you reject your mate, your souls have to break apart and most people end up staying together because of the pain. Are you still with me?"

I nod just to appease him. If he believes that we are physically bound together then so be it.

"The second step, this is going to sound really crazy and creepy, is marking. Its where your mate usually the male bites the woman marking her as his. It leaves a permanent mark like a tattoo sort of and Everyone will recognize it as who you belong to. Are you still with me?" He asks again and I try to hold in my laughter. This sounds stupid and unreal so I just nod and let him have his gun believing this stuff.

"The third part is mating.. Its when we have sex and finish the mating process.." He says looking at me.

So accepting, biting, and sex.. That's weird. That's really weird. Maybe he is crazy..

"Lacey?" He calls pulling my eyes to meet his.

"Now the next thing you have to promise me that you won't reject me or run. I have to make sure you're safe. Don't leave until I've finished okay? You promise?" He explains and I nod confused. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone.

He stands up and moves a few feet away. He strips off his shirt and strips off his pants. He looks at me one last time before he closes his eyes and he starts breaking every bone in his body.

It's so fast I barely notice it until he stands on all fours looking at me as a huge black wolf.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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