Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Lacey's POV

Two days later, I hug my parents goodbye as they prepare to leave Aspen's house. My mother smiles and knows she will see me again soon. She whispers her words of love in my ear while I embrace her. My dad stands tall and holds his head high trying to look tough when really he is sad. I love my parents.

"Call me." My dad tells Aspen. Aspen smiles and nods his head.

Owen comes over to me and I pick my chin up. I refuse to be put down as weak with all the horror ive seen and been through.

"Be safe. Dont let anything happen to her." He says towards me and Aspen. I nod and Aspen looks hard as stone. They drive away and we go back inside the house. I am nervous about staying with a stranger but I know my dad wouldnt have left me in danger so I trust Aspen.

"I think we should get you cleaned up." Aspen says once he reaches the room. I nod and he shows me to the bathroom and gives me clothes. I havent showered in a long long time. I know its gross but when your getting tortured, its not the first thing you think of.

"Yell if you need me. I'll be here in a second." He says once I step into the bathroom. I nod and give him a small smile before barely closing the door. I cant close the doors anymore. It reminds me of being locked up and no escape so i keep the bathroom door cracked.

I undress and step into the warm shower. As soon as I step into the hot water, I let out a loud wince. The water burns my cuts and makes them feel open. My back feels on fire and I cant stop wincing.

"Lacey? Are you okay?" Aspen asks knocking on the door. He must've heard me.

"Y-yeah. I-it j-just hurts." I say leaning against the wall. I wait for the pain to go away leaning against the wall for support.

"Do you need help? I wont look. I promise." He asks. I try to be strong and push through but my stomach starts feeling sick and I feel like I'm about to start bleeding again. I just lost my baby a few days ago and I can still feel the kicks I recieved. They are now covered in deep bruises. I see the blood pour from my legs and from my back dripping into the white tub. I collapse against the wall unable to stand.

"I um, I-im bleeding a-alot. I n-need to w-wash my h-hair first. S-stand outside the d-door and I-ill yell for you." My voice waivers and I rush to wash my hair. The soap slips down from my hair onto my cuts as I rinse. I scream a little at this one pain. These cuts are deeper than anything. I know it was stupid to think I could've washed my hair but I needed it washed to get the cold bloody feeling off of my head.

"I'm coming in to help you. Im not going to look at your body I promise." He says while I whimper in pain. I cant stand anymore with the rolls of pain from my back and stomach. I sit in the tub with the hot shower going and my arms around my legs. Aspen opens the curtain and only meets my eyes. I cant help but sob. I try to act strong but I realize I gave all my strength in the wreck.

"Im going to get a towel Lace." He says before going out of the room for a second and coming back with a fluffy blue towel.

He wraps it around my back and around my chest before looping it in the front so it covers me. He picks me up and turns off the water. He sits me on his bed and hands me some underwear and a pair of his pants and turns around for me to change.

I slip them on fast and wait for a shirt but he doesnt give me one. I feel the fear start in my stomach and jump to my heart. My hands start to shake as I imagine being locked and taken again.

"W-why c-cant I h-have a s-shirt?" I ask almost sobbing. He quickly jumps in front of me and places the towel over my chest without even glancing at my body.

"I will never ever do that to you Lacey. I'm here to help you and not ever harm you. I just didnt give you a shirt because I was going to clean your wounds first. Is that okay?" He asks. I only nod and he goes to the bathroom returning with cotton balls, peroxide, and gauze.

"T-they d-dont look g-good. Please d-dont r-run away f-from me." I whisper before letting the towel fall in the back and covering only my front.

I can feel him staring at every carving on my back. I can feel his hesitation to touch me and his body gives off heat. He starts patting gently and I can hear a low growl coming from somewhere close. He keeps cleaning and cleaning acting like he doesn't hear it.

He cleans so well and i feel like my skin calms with every touch. He finally wraps up my back and letting me wrap it around my waist in the front.

"There. All cleaned up." He says giving me a shirt and putting the cleaning supplies away. He seems more distant and he seems filled with anger. He is mad at me? He doesnt meet my eyes at all and his face is hard as stone. He pulls down the covers for me and I slide in. He turns out the lights and keeps the door open but not before kissing my forehead lightly and telling me goodnight. I close my eyes and soon drift off to sleep.

Aspen's POV

Once I'm outside, I let out the loudest growl possible. Images of her cuts and hurt whimpers radiate through my head. Names of endless men carved in her back.










At least 20 more are still a blur in my head. Jay's is carved more than 3 times. I see only red. I run and run hard. I shift before and place my clothes behind a tree so I can find them. I let my wolf take control and he is more than angry. He wont even talk to me or do anything. He wants more bloodshed for the things they did to her.

My precious angel. My beautiful Mate. Mine. Beaten. Raped. Carved into like a tree. Just for the entertainment of others. Scars she will have to deal with for the rest of her life. Our life. I can't imagine the torture. The torture of sitting and waiting to be hurt and broken again everyday and all she could do was wait. Wait until I found her.

After running for 2 hours, I finally arrive at Alpha Domonic's house. I shift back into human and find clothes left for shifters after runs and put them on. I knock on the door and wait. The Alpha opens the door and I cant speak. He looks worried and afraid. I guess by his stance my eyes are pitch black.

"Calm down Aspen." He says taking me inside and to his office.

My wolf refuses to stop. I let out deep growls as I breathe and my jaw is locked to a firm tense feeling.

"What's wrong? Is it Lacey?" He asks worry filling his features.

"She is in bed asleep." I growl out.

"Then whats wrong?"

I pull my wolf back a little to be able to talk. He is not far behind though.

"She was showering and she kept... She kept wincing and yelling occasionally." I nearly growl. I pace the floor and cant stop moving.

"I checked on her and she said she needed me so I helped her out of the shower and she was covered in blood. She was. She was bleeding." He looks shocked and like he is worried more.

"I helped her get dressed and I made her keep off her shirt while she was covered up but her back..." I have to let out a loud growl before I can even continue.

"They carved their names into her like a fucking cutting board!!! Everytime they took her innocence away from her! Carvings of all these names!! These fucking horrible excuses for wolves." I growl out every word not sparing a single word to be pure. They hurt my angel and my mate. They took what I was supposed to take in love. They defiled her body just for a show! My beautiful Angel!

"It's good they are dead." Alpha Domonic says with his eyes turning black. I hold myself from punching the walls.

"They are dead. They will never hurt my angel again." I spit. I am about to continue but I feel a pull to my mate waking up.

"I need to get back to her. Ill speak to you soon over this." I say before shifting as i run out of the door and running home.

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