Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Lacey's POV


Faster and faster. There is someone behind me chasing me. I hear the engine of a truck behind me and it gives me a sense of fear pulsing through me.

"We are going to get you Lacey!" I hear off in the distance. I look over my shoulder as I enter the woods and see no one. I turn around to look ahead and there stands Jay and Blake. They smirk at me and stalk towards me. I back up and run right into the hard chess of "the boss." He grabs my arms and holds me against him. Jay and Blake tear at the thin white dress im wearing ripping it to shreds.

"Little sweet Lacey. You thought you could run from me? Gosh babe you need to be punished." Jay sneers as "the boss" Passes me into his arms. Jay holds me tight and rips off a strap of my dress.

"Please dont hurt me!" I cry. They laugh and smirk at me.

"Baby I promise ill do more than that." Jay whispers in my ear snaking his hand under my torn dress. I am about to scream when Jay is thrown off me and lands a few feet away. A dark black wolf stalks back towards Blake and the boss in what seems like hunger or anger. I have never been so scared in my life.

The wolf lunges for Blake and the boss as they try to run. The wolf rips Blake apart as he catches up to him quick. The boss falls to his knees and is immediatly attacked. The black wolf looks at me next as his dinner and I cry. I wait for the pain holding out my hand to resist it some but it doesnt come. Instead I feel a warm hand clasp its fingers in mine.

I look up into the warm eyes of Aspen. He is naked and I hide my blush in his company. He smiles at me and leans his head to mine. His lips lock on mine and sparks vibrate through my body. His kiss is the best thing i have ever tasted in my life. He breaks away holding my face and mutters 3 words I have no experience in.

"I love you." He smiles and kisses my cheek. For a second a shadow casts over us and I see a hand grab a fist full of Aspen's hair. He struggles to release himself from Jay's grip. Jay takes out a knife and as I release a scream, cuts Aspen's throat.

I wake up in a hot sweat screaming. Aspen comes in not even a second later. He looks worn out and like he has been running? He takes me in his arms carefully and holds me. I instantly feel better. My body calms and burns with fireworks everywhere Aspen touches. I let out tears I didnt know I was crying.

"Shh Angel." He whispers in my ear making my sobs quieter. Something seems to take over my body pushing me to be close to him and I let it. To tired to fight.

"They will never hurt you again love. I wont let it happen ever again. Im going to keep you safe from now on. Nothing bad will ever happen to you My angel." He whispers as my face is snuggled in between his neck and shoulder. I feel my body press closer to him and I start to fall back to sleep. He lays me back in bed and something in me is sad. Sad that he is leaving.

I hold onto his hand and pull him back to me. I dont think about what I say next but it feels right.

"Stay? I'm scared to be alone." I mumble. I hear his footsteps retreat and the bed dips down. I feel his arms snake around my waist and again something in me purrs happily. I sooner or later fall asleep happier than anything.

I wake up to arms snaked around my waist and my face against something warm. I open my eyes and find myself pressed against Aspen's chest. His legs are tangled up in mine and his eyes are closed in sleep. His face is at peace and his breathing is even. I love the feeling of his arms around me. I feel extremely safe and I feel a sense of overwhelming need. I let myself stay like this as a guilty pleasure for only me to know and enjoy. I let myself lay here a few minutes longer until I have to pee.

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