Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Aspen's POV

'On my count we raid.' I tell the pack lurking in the shadows. 2 more days have passed and finally we found an abandoned looking house in a clearing 20 miles away from our pack territory. We surrounded it and the blood smell was present. I see the white van and blood prints stain the doors.

My men and I get closer to the house and wait for an open opportunity.

'One.' My heart picks up beat.

'Two.' The men are ready and some growl in anger and rage. I pace to keep myself from running in early.


The men shift and run into every window and every door they see.

I use this as my chance to find the missing girl Lacey. As soon as i step in its shifter vs. shifter. Some others are fighting in human form but losing against my pack. I run down the hallway and burst through a door finding the most evil man on the earth inside. His office is covered in blood and he is sitting at his desk eating. "The boss" is what he is known as but Francis Lewis is what he is known by in my book.

"Alpha Aspen, Its good to see you. So sad its on this occasion." He smirks evilly. I hold my stance strong and growl at him. This man killed half of my pack including my eldest brother Timothy. He ripped through Tim piece by piece and made my brother bow to him before it. I had to watch it all. He uses helpless women and children as his producers whenever he wants kids but by the sound of it i don't hear any.

"Kill me then. Get on with it. My sons will find you to get back the slut you take. Good luck escaping them. Oh and they loved all the wonderful times they had with the girl. And so did i."

He shifts and i immediately run for his throat before he has a chance to stop me. I latch on with my teeth and hold them in his spine, paralyzing him instantly. He cries out in a growl and i let his limp body fall to the floor. I rip his head off with my teeth and let it fall to the floor. I run out and help my men destroying everything in my path. I want revenge for my brothers murder. I let my wolf loose and let him rip bodies apart leaving blood and bones everywhere. My fur is coated with my victims blood but i don't care.

'Alpha. We have the girl. She is asleep. We need to move.' I hear my beta tell me. I take off running out of the house and i immediately get this strange sensation wash over me. I try to push it away but my wolf wont let me. He seems drawn to something and very distracted.

I ignore it and run ahead of them wanting to clear my head. And that's exactly what i did.

Lacey's POV

I wake up in a bed. Not a cot. A real bed. I am also in real pajamas. I look around the room and its painted blue and looks like a guest room of a sort. I don't know where i am and I'm terrified to know where i really am. What if its all a sick trick? I get out of bed and pick up the nearest object i can find. I carry the lamp in my arms and tiptoe my way into the hallway. I hold the lamp to my chest as it is my only hope.

I hear voices down the stairs and i make sure not to make a sound as I'm going down.

"You need to speak with her. Tell her about us and tell her family she is safe." A voice says.

"I am. I'm feeling really weird lately. I feel like something is about to happen and my wolf is so hyper and unsettled! I don't know what to do." His voice lures me in. I want to see the man who holds this voice. I cant control myself and my feet start moving on their own. I get to the bottom of the stairs and the two voices turn to me. First is an older man with grayish hair and a salt and pepper beard. He looks tired and frustrated. My eyes travel to a Greek god looking man maybe 2 or 3 years older than me. He is the ideal image of perfection.

His dark black hair is long but not girl long but enough to barely hit his mid-forehead. His bright blue eyes are the color of the sky on the most beautiful day. His lips are a full pink and he has a light stubble. He has a half sleeve tattoo on his right arm from his shoulder to his elbow. His arms are pure muscle but not body builder type. He is wearing a white shirt and black jeans. His smell radiates off him and it makes me want him in ways I've never wanted a person. I didn't realize we had gotten so close to each other until the older man clears his throat.

I snap out of this trance and jump in fright dropping the lamp on the floor in the process. It breaks into millions of pieces. The hot guy looks at me and moves an inch towards me. I flinch and cower ducking waiting for a punch. My hands shake and my body is unsteady.

He holds out his hand for me and I hold my head again waiting for pain. He bends down and crouches in front of me.

"I will never ever hurt you." He takes my hand in his and shocks consume my body making me feel so warm, safe, loved, protected, wanted and desire-full all by one touch.

I lock eyes with this gorgeous man and my mind starts to cloud up. The older man is now smiling at us and the Greek god to my left holds my hand the whole time we stand up and doesn't let go.

"Lacey, I'm Wilson and this is my son Aspen. So you know, you are in our house and my wife went to go get your family to bring them here. You are completely safe and the people who took you are all dead. No one will hurt you again. We will keep you safe." The older man says and gestures for his son to continue.

He smiles at me gently and holds my hand tight before leading me back upstairs. I trust him with an uncontrollable amount of trust for this stranger. I need him. I feel like I'm yearning for him by my side now. I can only heal if he is with me. A strong strong force inside me calls out to him. For him. But then the logical side of me rejects it all. He is a total stranger. He could be working with the monsters who kidnapped me! He could be a spy sent to take me away and break me some more. I feel empty and broken now. I want to go home.

He closes the door behind me as i go back into my room. He sits on the bed and i immediately start to shake. I cant hold in the emotional break down that is up coming. I let out a tear and catch it before it hits the floor. Aspen looks at me in worry and looks in pain. He walks over to me and i back up against the wall to get farther away from him.

"Lacey. I promise you are safe. I will open the door if that makes you feel better." He says walking slowly to the door and opening it. I calm a little more and sit on the bed. He smiles and breathes a deep breath.

We sit in awkward silence for what seems like forever. He finally reaches out and grabs my hand. Mine shakes wildly in his but he doesn't mind. He holds it and stares in my eyes. When he looks at me i lose my train of thought. My mind cant control itself!

"We are very happy we found you." He says smiling slightly.

"Yeah. Me too." I reply. He keeps staring at me.

"You're family misses you a lot. They have been worried sick. Especially your brother." He says rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"He will hate me." I whisper looking down at the floor. Owen will hate me. They did things to me and now I'm broken. Owen will want a strong sister and I can't be that now. There's no recovery for what they did to me.

I continue to stare at the floor and images reply in my mind. All the pain and the suffering. My child is dead. My innocence stolen beyond my will. My back is covered in scars and still fresh cuts. So many carvings.

"He will love you always Lacey. They are your family. They were so sad that you were taken and now I can't wait for them to see you again." Aspen says lifting my chin up to meet his eyes.

I hear the door downstairs open and Owen immediately starts stomping around yelling at the people present to bring me to him.

"Where is she?" He cries. I stand up and cower away from the open door. Maybe he will beat me for being so broken. Aspen pulls me to his chest as I start to cry. I'm so overwhelmed by everything. I curl up in fetal position on his lap hoping to block out my family's cries. He rubs my head and coo's sweet things in my ear.

After I calm a bit, Aspen picks me up and holds me taking me downstairs. It's now or never.

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